
Risk Based Capital (Basel III) Report of AB Bank- 2016

Risk Based Capital (Basel III) Report of AB Bank- 2016

This is a report on Disclosures on Risk-Based Capital (Basel III) based on 31 December 2016. These disclosures have been made in accordance with the Bangladesh Bank BRPD Circular no. 18 of 21 December 2014 as to Guidelines on ‘Risk-Based Capital Adequacy for Banks’ in line with Basel III. Basel III guidelines apply to all scheduled banks on ‘Solo’ basis as well as on ‘Consolidated’ basis where: Solo Basis refers to all position of the bank and its local and overseas branches/offices; and Consolidated Basis refers to all position of the bank (including its local and overseas branches/offices) and its subsidiary company engaged in financial (excluding insurance) activities like merchant banks, brokerage firms, discount houses, etc.

Bank level disclosure of the leverage ratio and its components will start from January 1, 2015. However, banks should report their Tier 1 leverage ratio to the BB (Department of Off-Site Supervision) along with CRAR report from the quarter ending March 2015. Based on the results of the parallel run period, any final adjustments to the definition and calibration of the leverage ratio will be made by BB in 2017, with a view to setting the leverage ratio requirements as a separate capital standard from January 1, 2018.

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