Human Resource Management

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment. The sources within the organization itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment.

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment

Internal recruitment sources and methods have some disadvantages as follows:

  1. Limited Choice

Internal recruitment provides a limited choice of talent available in the organization as it avoids the arrival of fresh candidates. You just don’t know whether the perfect person is somewhere out there, just waiting to be plucked. Internal recruitment does not tap any candidate from outside the organization; hence, the choice of members of the organization is limited.

  1. Implementation of Traditional System

Internal recruitment requires the implementation of traditional form, system, process, and procedures. And this limits the scope of fresh talent in the organization. There’s nothing quite like bringing a complete outsider into the team. They spot missed opportunities and highlight areas in need of improvement, and they can do so because they’re completely fresh.

  1. No Opportunity

In internal recruitment, the internal employees are protected from competition by not providing an opportunity to fresh talents. By not casting your net far and wide for new employees, the number from which you can hire may be limited. This also develops a tendency among the employees to take promotions without any extra knowledge or talent.

  1. Favourism

There will be a tendency of referring friends and family members in the organization. Then, the organization will be overstaffed with a talent-less crowd.

  1. Limited Internal Sources

The source of supply of manpower is limited in internal recruitment method. When an employee is promoted, his/her previous position will be vacant and another personnel is to be recruited to fill that vacant position.

  1. Costly

Taking into consideration that when an employee is promoted, his/her position will be vacant. Just because someone is displaying all the qualities you need for a new role doesn’t mean they won’t need some form of training or qualifying in order to make a success of it. In this regard, another employee is to be recruited to fill that position, which may be a costly affair.


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