Human Resource Management

Types of Employee Selection Tests

Types of Employee Selection Tests

Types of Employee Selection Tests

A selection takes a look at is a systematic and standardized manner of sampling human conduct in an effort to acquire certified applicants for organizational activities. Selection test is a systematic process that includes different aspects of tests. It is used to assess the capability, aptitude, and nature of potential applicants. Selection verifies is conducted with a view to picking out a right personality for the right job who can be capable of appearing organizational activities if hired. Different types of tests may be administered depending on the company jobs are described below:

Intelligence Test

Intelligence test is used to judge the mental ability of the candidates. It helps to measure their mental ability, numerical ability, the presence of mind, memory, communication skills, etc. It measures the general ability to understand the things, learning, and decision-making. This test is used for selecting managers.

Aptitude Test

It measures the probability of performing the job in terms of how often and how well. Moreover, this helps to measure the potential learning capacity of a candidate. Some candidates have a good talent or aptitude for accounting jobs while others show smart skills in marketing jobs. It is the most promising indicator of predicting worker’s ability for potential development. Companies give more importance to the candidate’s mental suitability for the job. Organizations develop some specific aptitude tests in order to measure special abilities to perform a job.

Personality Test

A personality test is conducted to find out the maturity, interpersonal skills, emotional stability, capacity to get along, behaviors under stress and strain, etc. It is the measurement of personal characteristics of the candidates. It is also known as personality inventory which measures the personality traits such as interpersonal competence, self-confidence, ability to lead, emotional stability motivation, consciousness and so on. This test is used for selecting salesman, public relations staff, etc.

Interest Test

It is used to discover a candidate’s activity preferences. It finds out the likes and dislikes of a candidate about his occupation, hobbies, etc. The personal interests such as like and dislikes are identified by interest test. It identifies the patterns of interest that an individual holds. This test helps the company to provide vocational guidance to their employees.

Situational Test

It is all about evaluating whether the particular person is situation specific. It is conducted to find out how the candidate interprets (explains) the problem or situation. It means, under situational test, it is drilled whether the candidate performs the job in future, in a situation if he/she is selected. For e.g. A picture is shown to the candidate, and he is asked to give his views and opinions about it. It evaluates whether a particular candidate can perform the job in a given situation.

Honesty Test

Honesty is concerned with the degree of accuracy of information provided by the candidate. Honesty test measures to what extent the information provided by the prospective candidates is accurate.


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