
GrameenPhone Subscriber’s Service Awareness Status (Part 2)

GrameenPhone Subscriber’s Service Awareness Status (Part 2)

International Roaming campaign:

In international Roaming campaign the telemarketing team call to 1544 high revenue generating subscribers to inform about international roaming service. In the this campaign out of 1544 reachable subscribers 1011 subscribers are aware about this service and 533 subscribers are not aware about international roaming service. After the campaign, 23 subscribers have taken this service. They all are informed through the campaign.

Value Added Services campaign:

In the value added service campaign the telemarketing team asked 743 subscribers (in March), 3222 subscribers (in April), whether they know about the value added service. Form the camping it is found that in both month and in combine 60% is aware and 40% is not aware about value added services (VAS).

Not Aware130440%50440%180840%

 *Subscriber’s Attitude: Subscriber attitude towards GP considering overall Services.

*Receptive Scale: Measuring Subscriber’s interests of campaign subject.

Primary Data Analysis

A comprehensive questionnaire has been developed in order to determine some of the demographic characteristics of the GrameenPhone subscribers and the existing subscribers’ service awareness status. The whole questionnaire has been divided in three parts. The first part was asked to know about the basic information about the subscribers’ product type, using duration and usages amount. The second part contained classification information consist of different types of services asking subscribers whether they aware about it or not, use it or not and how they knew about it. This part also includes Subscribers’ service learning Medias, their preference and recommendation of learning services. Moreover, one open ended question was asked to get subscribers response regarding their preference of learning GP services.  In this part of questionnaire the GP services are divided into Value Added Service, after sales service, Special features, free supplementary GSM service, and Push Pull services. The last part of the questionnaire consist of identification information includes demographic question like age, sex, income, education and occupation. From this I can find whether there is any relation between demographic profile and service awareness status. The main focus of this questionnaire is to find

  • Subscribers are aware about which GP services.
  • Subscribers’ are using which services.
  • The most effective Medias to build service awareness.
  • Subscribers’ feedback of preferred Medias and possible ways to aware them and increase service usages.


I have conducted my research through telephone questionnaire. For this survey, I have randomly picked 120 samples from GrameenPhone’s subscription archive. As my research is to find GrameenPhone’s service awareness status, the whole GP subscribers are my research population. For more accurate outcome, it is appropriate to pick sample randomly from the whole GP subscribers.  Therefore to meet this purpose, telephone survey is the most convenient way.

The perspective scale of the research:

The main focus of this research is to find GP subscribers services awareness status. To measure awareness status I have prepare a perspective scale. And bases on this I have formulated my research hypothesis. The perspective scale is divided into five equal parts. In the perspective scale if more than 80% subscribers aware about GrameenPhone service then I will interpret it as GP subscribers’ service awareness status is very high. If subscribers’ awareness status ranges from more than 60% to less than equal to 80% then the interpretation will be, subscribers’ awareness is only high and so on.

Test Hypothesis:

 From the above perspective scale the formulated test hypothesis is GrameenPhone subscribers have very high services awareness status, which means more than to 80% subscribers know about GrameenPhone services. Hence,

Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to 80% GP subscribers are aware about GP services.

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 80% GP subscribers are aware about GP services.

Data representation and Analysis:

The whole data analysis is done based on the normal distribution which is the basic criteria of data analysis and interpretation. It is tested through SPSS K-S test statistics.

 Demographic data analysis:

 Gender: Out of 120 respondents there were 102 male and 18 female. (Reference – appendix- table-1.1).

Age:  From the analysis it has been observed that most of the (39.20%) respondents are from the age group of 21-30years. The second highest( 25.80%) age group of total respondents are 31-40 years.

Gross Family Monthly Income:

From the study it has been observed that most of the (38.30%) respondents are from the income group of 20001-40000. The second highest (26.70%) income group of total respondents is below 20,000.

Educational Background:

Out of 120, 71 respondents (59.20%) hold post graduate degree or above, 33 respondents means about 27.50% falls under the segment of undergraduate whereas 4.2% (5 respondents)subscribers fall below primary level.


From the study I have seen that out of 120, 62 respondents (51.70%) falls under service class, 38 respondents means about 31.70% falls under the segment of business whereas 6.7% (8 respondents) subscribers are housewife. Another 10% falls under the category of student.

 General information:

 Product name awareness:

In the first question I have asked respondents whether they know which product they are using. 93.3% of the respondent said which product they are using and the left 6.7% did not know what their product name was. Out of total 112 respondents (excluding 6.7% subscriber- 8 who doesn’t know the name of their product), 47.5% have post-paid and 45.90% have pre-paid.


From the perspective scale, it can be said that Subscribers product name awareness is high. This finding is statistically valid as the chi-square test Z value is greater than the significance level 1.96.

Null Hypothesis: Less than equal to 80% to GP subscribers aware about their product name.  H0: μ0 ≤ .80

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 80% GP subscribers are not aware about their product name.H1: μ1 >. 80

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z-value=69.415(ˉx-µ/s/ square root (n))=(112-96/2.525/(sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted that is more than 80% GP subscriber are aware about name of their connection. This awareness percentage is very high.

Subscribers recharging amount:

Subscribers’ average monthly mobile recharging amount is asked to find the financial potentially of respondents. The pie chart shows, there is no concentration of the subscribers charging amounts. Most respondents charges on average Tk. 1400 above. The mean average of the subscribers recharging amount is Tk. 601-900.

From the Product type and recharge amount cross table (App table) it is observed there is a relation between subscribers product type and recharging amount and it is statistically valid as the phi Cramer’s V p-value is less than the significance level .05. And the association is post paid users spend more than prepaid users.

Subscribers Product using Duration

Most of the respondents are using their product for last one year; they are the recent users of GP product. Last couples of year’s prolonged growth may be the reason of it. Grameen Phone’s most of the services came during these years. Furthermore, package price decreased rapidly during this time.

Reason behind using GrameenPhone mobile service:

In the general information part of the questionnaire the reason(s) for buying GP mobile is asked to identify the key factors for which subscribers choose GP. From this check list question’s cumulative frequency it is found that majority of the respondents preferred GP because of widest network coverage and for its network quality. Another important factor is GP’s customer service for which 19% respondents choose GP.

Subscriber’s reasons behind using GrameenPhone mobile service

Classification information:

In this part of the questionnaire I have asked each service in the following format:

Value Added Services awareness:

GrameenPhone provides many value added services; among these I have selected some of the important services which can make subscribers life easy, time convenient and cost effective. The included Value Added Services are SMS, VSMS, VAS, Ring tone download, Logo download. In the questionnaire I have asked whether respondents aware or unaware about VAS services and use those services or not.

 SMS awareness:

From the descriptive statistics frequency distribution table, it is found that 73% aware and use SMS service and 9% only aware about SMS and 18% does not aware about the SMS service.


It means SMS is a very popular value added service and most GP subscribers use this service. In Combine 73%+9%= 82% subscribers are aware about GP services. Hence, from this pie chart and perspective scale it can be interpret that GP subscribers SMS awareness is very high. Now below the Z-test will give the statistical prove of the following hypothesis.

 Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to 80% GP subscribers aware about SMS service. H0: μ0 ≤ .80

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 80% GP subscribers aware about SMS service.  H1: μ1 >.80

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z value 27.8385 (ˉx-µ /s/ square root(n))= 98-96/.787/(sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected. So it is proved that SMS service awareness is very high means more than 80% falls  in the very high range of the perspective scale.

SMS Learning Media:

 In the questionnaire learning Medias was asked as a check list question. The respondent put tick mark as many as applicable. From the respondents cumulative count of check listed response it is found that most of the customer learn about SMS from newspaper. The second popular way to learn about SMS is billboard third is TV and fourth is magazine. Many respondents said they learn SMS from friends, relative and neighbors goes to other option accounts 23% of the total response.

Whether this finding is statistically valid or not will be proved by Chi Square test.

Null Hypothesis: Newspaper is not the most popular way to aware about GP services.

Alternative Hypothesis: Newspaper is the most popular way to aware about GP services.

Statistical Interpretation:

 The Z-value 25.083 is higher than significance level 1.96.. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is not rejected. So it is proved that newspaper is the most popular media to aware about GP services.

Magazine, TV and Billboard’s test statistics prove that respondents’ preference is statistically valid.

Voice SMS Service Awareness:

 Most of the respondents i.e. 55% doesn’t aware about the voice sms service. 40% subscribers only know about the service and left 5% subscribers are aware and use this service.


More than 55% does not aware about VSMS, and those i.e. 40% who aware of the about VSMS, but not using VSMS and only 5% of the respondents are using VSMS. So from the perspective scale I can say that VSMS awareness is moderate. Now below the Z-test will give the statistical prove of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Less than equal to 40% to GP subscribers aware about Voice SMS service.  H0: μ0 ≤ .40

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 40% GP subscribers are aware about Voice SMS service. H1: μ1 >. 40

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z-value-46.62(ˉx-µ/s/ square root(n))=(54-48/.594/(sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted that is more than 40% GP subscriber are aware about Voice SMS. But this awareness percentage is moderate.  So, it is proved that Voice SMS awareness status is moderate.

 VSMS Learning Media:

 38% respondents knew VAS from the newspaper advertisements, 18% knew VAS from billboard, 16% from TV, 12% from magazine. Again here I found newspaper is the most effective learning media. Now below the Chi square test will give the statistical prove of the following hypothesis.

 VMS learning media

Null Hypothesis: Newspaper is not the most popular way to aware about GP services.

Alternative Hypothesis: Newspaper is the most popular way to aware about GP services.

 Statistical Interpretation:

 The Z-value-26.983 is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that newspaper is the most popular media to aware subscribers GP services.

 In the same way, respondents learning Medias effectiveness is statistically valid for Magazine as it is found that the p-value is less than the significance level. But the media effectiveness for TV, Billboard and other option is not statistically valid as these variables’ respective p value is greater than the significance level .05.

 Voice Mail Service Awareness:

 Most of the respondents i.e. 70%means 84 respondents doesn’t aware about the voice mail service. 28% means 34 subscribers only know about the service and left 2%means 2 subscribers are aware and use this service.


More than 70% does not aware about VAS, and 28% who aware about VAS, but not using VAS and only 2% of the respondents are using VAS. So from the perspective scale I can say that VAS awareness is low. Now below the Z-test will give the statistical prove of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Less than equal to 20% of GP subscribers aware about VMS service.       H0: μ0 ≤ .20

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 20% GP subscribers are not aware about VMS service. H1: μ1 >. 20

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

 Statistical interpretation:

 From the Z test it is found the z-value = 261.86 (ˉx-µ/s/ square root (n))=(36-24/.502/(sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted that is greater than 20% know about VMS. So it is proved that VMS awareness status is low.

VMS Learning Media:

41% respondents knew VAS from the newspaper advertisements, 33% knew from other way, 9% knew VAS from billboard, 7% from TV, and 10% from magazine, and again here I found newspaper is the most effective learning media. Now below the Chi square test will give the statistical prove of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Newspaper is not the most popular way to aware subscribers about GP services.

Alternative Hypothesis: Newspaper is the most popular way to aware subscribers about GP services.

 Statistical Interpretation:

 The Z-value (60.417) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that newspaper is the most popular media to aware subscribers GP services.

 In the same way, respondents learning Medias effectiveness is statistically valid for Magazine as it is found that the p-value is less than the significance level. But the media effectiveness for TV, Billboard and other option is not statistically valid as these variables’ respective p value is greater than the significance level .05.

Ring town download awareness:

The pie chart below represents that most of the respondents’ (64%+18%=82%) are aware about the ring tone download service. Among   them 18% down   load ring tone and the left 18% do not aware about ring tone down load service.

It interprets that ring town awareness is very high (from the perspective scale.) now the z-test below will give the statistical prove of it.

Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to 80% GP subscribers aware about Ring tone download. H0: μ0 ≤ .80

Alternative Hypothesis: More than to 80% GP subscribers aware about Ring tone download.  H1: μ1 >.80

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the z-value=42.30(ˉx-µ/s/ square root(n))=(99-96/.777/(sqrt120))  is greater than significance level 1.96. So this is a statistically significant finding. So null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted i.e. more than 80% subscribers are aware of Ring Tone download which goes to very high awareness of the perspective scale. So it is proved that Ring tone down load awareness status is very high.

Ring tone download Learning Media:

From the pie chat below it is found, newspaper is the media from where most of the respondents have learnt about Ring tone download. So, it can be said that newspaper is the most popular and effective media. The chi-square test below will give the statistical prove of it.

Null Hypothesis: Newspaper is not the most popular way to aware subscribers about GP services.

Alternative Hypothesis: Newspaper is the most popular way to aware subscribers about GP services.

Statistical Interpretation:

 The z-value=69.417 is higher than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that newspaper is the most popular media to aware subscribers Ring tone down load services.

In the same way the descriptive findings for Magazine, TV and billboard is statistically valid as these variables respective p-value is less than the significance level shown in the following table.

Welcome tune download awareness:

A lion portion of the respondent i.e. 62% does not familiar with welcome tune download service. Still 31% of the subscribers who know about welcome tune down load are not using it. And very small portion i.e. 7% respondents are using this service. It interprets welcome down is has low awareness.

Now the following hypothesis will be tested by z-test to find its statistical validity.

Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to .20% GP subscribers aware about welcome tune download. H0: μ0 ≤ .20

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 20% GP subscribers aware about welcome tune download.  H1: μ1 >.20

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z-value=379.96 (ˉx-µ/s/ square root (n)) =(46-24/.634/(sqrt120))  is greater than significance level 1.96. So this is a statistically significant finding. So, null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that welcome tune download awareness status is low.

Welcome tune download Learning Media:

From the pie chat below it is found, newspaper is the media from where most of the respondents have learnt about welcome tune download. So, it can be said that newspaper is the most popular and effective media. The chi-square test below will give the statistical prove of it.

Null Hypothesis: Newspaper is not the most popular way to aware subscribers about GP services.

Alternative Hypothesis: Newspaper is the most popular way to aware subscribers about GP services.

Statistical Interpretation:

 The z-value=75.083 is higher than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that newspaper is the most popular media to aware subscribers welcome tone down load services.

In the same way the descriptive findings for others, Magazine, TV and billboard is statistically valid as these variables respective p-value is less than the significance level shown in the following table.

The Over all VAS awareness Status:

Name of VASAwareness Status

Very High

Voice SMS awareness


Voice mail service


Ring tone download

Very High

Welcome tune download


 The table above draws conclusion that, Value Added service awareness among the GP subscribers is neither very high nor very low. SMS and Ring lone download awareness is very high, Voice SMS awareness is moderate and voicemail; welcome tune download awareness is low.

After Sales services awareness:

In the After sale service part of the questionnaire I have mentioned some important services which both pre-paid and post-paid subscribers should know. These after sale services are migration, Reconnection, and Transfer of Ownership.

Awareness of Product Migration:

A major portion of the subscribers do not know about the migration service. In combine only 22% subscribers are aware of Migration service. Hence, from the perspective scale, it interprets subscribers product migration service awareness is low.

The Z- test below shows the statistical validity of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to .20% GP subscribers aware about product migration. H0: μ0 ≤ .20

Alternative Hypothesis: More than .20% GP subscribers aware about product migration.  H1: μ >. 20

 Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the z-value=33.045(x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (26-24/.663/(sqrt120))  is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted, i.e. more than 20% GP subscribers aware of product migration but it is not a significant portion. So it is proved that product migration service awareness status is low.

 Awareness of Reconnection:

More than 60% of the subscribers know about reconnection of the permanently disconnected line. It interprets reconnection service awareness is high. The Z-test will show the statistical validity of the statement.(see appendix, reference-table-1.16)

Test of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to 60% GP subscribers aware about reconnection. H0: μ ≤ .60

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 60% GP subscribers aware about reconnection.  H1: μ >.60

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z-value = 95.42(x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (77-72/.574/ (sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted i.e. more than equal to 60% subscribers are aware of reconnection which goes to high  awareness range of the perspective scale. So it is proved that reconnection service awareness status is high.

 Awareness of Transfer of ownership:

83% of the subscribers do not know, mobile subscription can be transferred and only 17% are aware about transfer of ownership. From the perspective scale it implies this service awareness is very low.

Now the statistics below will give the validity of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: Less than equal to 20% GP subscribers aware about transfer of ownership.H0: μ0 ≤.20

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 20% GP subscribers aware about transfer of ownership.  H1: μ1 >.20

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the TSCAL -.5566 <TSCR 1.645 hence, alternative hypothesis rejected, and null hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that transfer of ownership awareness status is very low.

Reporting: The null hypothesis is accepted as TSCAL -.5566 < TSCR 1.645.

The Over all after sale service awareness Status:

Name of After sale serviceAwareness Status
Product Migration Low
Transfer of ownershipVery low

Special Service awareness:

International roaming service:

(IROM) is not known by 70% of the respondents (84), 27% are aware of international roaming service and approximately 3% are international roamers. In means International roamer service awareness level is low and users are very small.

Now the following hypothesis will be tasted by z-test.

Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to 20% GP subscribers aware about IROM. H0: μ ≤.20

Alternative Hypothesis: Greater than 20% GP subscribers aware about IROM.  H1: μ >.20

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z-value=252.10(x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (36-24/.521/ (sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So this is a statistically significant finding. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Even if the total subscriber who knows about international roaming is more than 20%, then also it is not a huge percentage.  So it is proved that international roaming awareness status is low.

Friends and Family number awareness:

Friends and family is a low charged service. It has a high awareness status. More than 80% respondent GP subscribers are aware about this service provided by GrameenPhone. Hence, from the perspective scale it can be mentioned that, F&F service awareness status is very high.

 Null Hypothesis: Less than or equal to 80% GP subscribers aware about F&F service. H0: μ ≤ .80

Alternative Hypothesis: More than 80% GP subscribers aware about F&F service.  H1: μ >.80

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the Z-value=104.83 (x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (102-96/.627/ (sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is rejected. , and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that F&F service awareness status is very high which is greater than 80% falls in the high range of the perspective scale. Hence F&F awareness is very high.

Again from the cross table mentioned bellow, it is observable that, Regular and National subscribers know batter about friends and family service. Infect all the Regular and National subscribers know about it.

Cross Tabulation of Product type and awareness status of Friends and Family

                              Product * FF_awareness Crosstabulation

FF awareness


Doesn’t aware

Aware but don’t use

Aware and use
















Dont Know










As it is low charged service, it has got its popularity. Majority from both postpaid and prepaid subscribers are known about this special service. So from here the conclusion comes from the table, post paid subscribers are more aware about Friends and Family service. It is statistically true as the in the chi-square test z-value 87.961 is greater than the significance level 1.96. Moreover, it is statistically proved that Friends and Family service has high awareness status

Group-talk awareness:

Out of 120 respondents cumulatively (48+61) =109 respondents were aware about Group-talk, in which 48 respondents ware using it. 11 respondents did no know about it. It interprets respondents’ Group-talk awareness is very high as cumulatively 91% of the respondents were aware about it.

Null Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers Group-talk awareness is less than equal to .80. H0: μ0 ≤ .80

Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers Group-talk awareness is greater than .80.  H1: μ1 >.80

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found, the Z-value=225.30 (x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (1029-96/.632/ (sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So this is a statistically significant finding as null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that Group-talk awareness is very high.

EDGE awareness:

Out of 120 respondents cumulatively (12+30) =42 respondents were aware about EDGE service, in which 12 respondents ware using it. 78 respondents did no know about it. It interprets respondents’ EDGE awareness is very low as cumulatively only 35% of the respondents were aware about it.

 Null Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers EDGE awareness is less than equal to .20. H0: μ0 ≤ .20

Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers’ EDGE awareness is greater than .20.  H1: μ1 >.20

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found, the Z-value=293.42 (x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (42-24/.672/ (sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So this is a statistically significant finding as null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted. Even if null is rejected but it has been shown that a few number of subscriber knows about EDGE service (only 35%) which falls in the low section of perspective scale. So it is proved that EDGE awareness status is low.

Thank you discount awareness:

Out of 120 respondents cumulatively (42+6) =48 respondents were aware about Thank you discount, in which 6 respondents were using it. 72 respondents did no know about it. It interprets respondents’ Thank you discount awareness is not very high as cumulatively only 40% of the respondents were aware about it.

Null Hypothesis: The proportion of subscriber’s Thank you discount awareness is less than equal to .40. H0: μ0 ≤ .40

Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers Thank you discount awareness is greater than .40.  H1: μ1 >.40

Now this hypothesis is tested by Z-test.

Statistical interpretation:

 From the Z test it is found, the Z-value = 0 (x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (48-48/.946/ (sqrt120)) is lower than significance level 1.96. So null hypothesis is accepted, and alternative hypothesis is rejected means less than or equal to 40% subscriber knows about thank you discount. So, it is proved that Thank you discount awareness is low according to perspective scale.

The Over Special service awareness Status:

Name of Special ServiceAwareness Status
International roamingLow
Friends & FamilyVery  High
Group-talkVery High
Thank You DiscountLow

The table draws the conclusion that subscribers expensive international roaming service, knowledge base service EDGE and Thank you discount awareness is low, but low tariff F&F, group talked awareness is very high.

Push Pull service awareness:

Push pull is a one kind of Value added service. GP has offered many push pull services, among them I have selected some important push pull services those have frequent advertisement in newspaper, magazine, billboard and TV. The data analysis, representation and findings of the push pull service awareness status of GP subscribers is explained in the following part.

Daily News Updates awareness:

 From the frequency distribution and pie chart below, it is found that 68% respondents do not know about daily news paper updates service. 8 respondents has been using this service which representing 7% in the graph and the 25% respondents are aware of daily news updated service but not using it. In combine (7%+25%)= 32% respondents are aware of this service draws the conclusion that Daily News updates awareness is low. It falls in 20% to 40% range of the perspective scale.

Now Z-test will show the statistical validity the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers daily news updates awareness is less than equal to .20. H0: μ1 ≤ .20

Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers daily news updates awareness is greater than .20.  H1: μ2 >.20

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found, the Z-value = 250.89 (x-µ/s/ square root (n)) = (38-24/.611/ (sqrt120)) is greater than significance level 1.96. So this is a statistically significant finding. So null hypothesis is rejected, and alternative hypothesis is accepted but even if it is greater than 20%, it is not a significant percentage for news service awareness and it falls in the low range of perspective scale. So it is proved that daily news update awareness is low.

Sports Updates awareness:

 From the frequency distribution and pie chart below, it is found that 85% respondents do not know about sports updates service. 18 respondents know about sports updates service but do not use it. Only 2 respondents are aware and use this service. In combine (15%+2%)= 17% respondents are aware of sports updates push pull service. Less than 20% means sports updates awareness is very low. Now by the help Z-test I can find the statistical validity of the following hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers’ sports updates awareness is less than equal to .20. H0: μ1 >.20Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of subscribers’ sports updates awareness is greater than .20.  H1: μ2 ≤.20

Statistical interpretation:

From the Z test it is found the TSCAL -.5566 >TSCR -1.645 hence, alternative hypothesis is rejected, and null hypothesis is accepted. So it is proved that sports updates awareness status is very low.

Reporting: The null hypothesis is accepted as TSCAL -.5566 > TSCR -1.645.

The Over all push-pull service awareness Status:

Name of  push pull serviceAwareness Status
Daily news updatesLow
Sports updatesVery Low

The table draws the conclusion that Push pull service awareness is low.

12.4.7. Analysis of media ranking preference:

In question number 1 it is asked to rank the selective Medias from where they want to know about GP services. From the mean ranking of Medias it is found that 63.4% respondents prefer newspaper as their most preferred media to learn about GP service.

Second preference goes to TV which is 25.8%, third is billboard and fourth preference is magazine.

Media ranking

MediaRank 1 (%)








 Form the mean ranking of 4 related samples it is found, newspaper has the highest ranking. It means GP subscribers prefer promotions in newspaper most.

 Analysis of the open-ended question:

There was only one open ended question in which respondents were asked to recommend how they prefer to know about GP services. Here, most of the respondents said newspaper is the most preferred media. Some of the respondents from Sylhet division suggested publishing service in local Sylheti newspaper. Hence, local newspaper is a good marketing tool to aware subscribers about GP service. Some of them recommended publishing brochures and service using manual in English and Bangla and sending it to subscribers by currier service. It is an expensive service. It may be less costly for post paid subscribers if using manual is sent with monthly bill envelop. Some recommended to send service learning SMS.

 Over all findings:

From the data analysis it is found that GrameenPhone subscribers’ awareness is for some services are high and for some service low. EDGE, sports updates push pull service including some after sale service awareness is very low. Low charged service such F&F, group talk etc. awareness is very high. Newspaper is the most effective and popular media and respondent prefer to learn about GP services though newspaper (including local newspaper).

 Recommendation to build Service awareness

 Service learning hot line:

 GrameenPhone’s Customer Service department already has 24 hours hot lines call service for customer service. These hot lines are categorized as for post paid and pre-paid product and with some special services. There is no separate hot line form where subscriber can learn about GP service. Hence, GP should arrange a separate hot line which will consciously help subscribers to learn about GP service. The following lists can the unique proposition of service learning hot line.

   Only help subscribers to learn about GP service

   24-hours human agent

   Continuous improvement of customer service

   Sending mail, letters, e-mail, fax, SMS to help subscribers to learn GP services

   Delivering service aware campaign over phone


Telemarketing is another way to aware subscribers about GP services. Telemarketing is direct and fast communication, so through telemarketing GP can increase service awareness fast. The only difference of service learning hot line and telemarketing will be Telemarketing is company to subscribers and service learning hot line will be subscriber to company. The proposition of telemarketing will be:

    Arranging service aware campaign

   Developing effective ways to aware subscribers about service

   Gathering Ideas to improve subscribers’ service awareness

Service awareness building field campaign:

 Field campaign could be another effective way to increase subscribers’ service awareness. The advantage to field campaign will be, it will help subscribers to learn practical application of GP services. Though its exposure will be in a limited area, it is comparatively less costly than Electronics Media and other National newspaper, magazine and billboard which are can not more effective to aware and teach subscribers. The field campaign location can be Educational promise, Point of sales and GrameenPhone Centers (GPC). Key benefits of field campaign are:


   Less expensive

Publishing Service application manual:

 Service application manual can help subscribers to learn GP services. These manual will be available in GP’s Customer Relation Centre (CRC), GPSD and GrameenPhone centers.  Each subscriber will get a free service application manual with his/her initial subscription form. This proactive step’s success depends on the subscribers’ voluntary involvement. The benefits subscribers will get from the manual are:

    Subscriber will learn about all the services provided by GP

   Guide subscribers how to get a service

   Subscribers will learn the benefits of service

   Other option to get service from hot line, CRC etc.

Promotion days:

Each month GrameenPhone should offer free service for 2/3 days. It will definitely encourage users to find the process to take free services. This will not only encourage subscribers to use GP services but also get them adopted to use those services. Once subscribers get adopted with services then this will help them to get used to and apply services regularly.

    Promotion days for push pull, VAS and Information service

   Promotion days will demonstrate the process of accruing services through newspaper, TV other effective media.

   Initiate and promote field service learning workshop for subscribers.

   Data collection after each promotion week to find the effectiveness.

   If it helping subscribers to learn services then continue, otherwise stop it.

Self Learning Service booth:

These self learning service booths will contain the service manual, brochures and GP newsletters. These booth locations will be in the super markets, departmental store, restaurant and fast food corner. The booth shelves will be divided in different parts and each part will be tagged with the name of the service and contain all the material that will help subscribers to learn about the service. This booth can also show the demonstration to get a specific service through recorded CD or DVD. These booths can also maintain a suggestion box to bring some new ideas from subscribers.

The unique attributes will be:

  Booth will contain services learning brochures, leaflet, and manual of each individual service individually and separately.

  Will show the direct demonstration to take a specific service in recorded TV screen.

  Will contain Recorded CD, VCD and DVD which will show the practical demonstration.

Strategic Recommendation to GrameenPhone Limited (GP)

The main focus of the recommendations is to overcome the problems that GP faced in business-both internally and externally.

Diagram 2: A bird’s eye view on GP’s problems:

I recommend the following action plans for GP to develop further by reducing the problems:

Reduce charge:

 °  Increase subscribers’ number- GP should increase the subscriber number until market saturation of addressable market. GP should reduce their charge as it has been identified as a major problem. For that we recommend them to further increase their subscriber number especially in the rural areas. As they had already established towers in all over the Bangladesh so no further capital investment is required to provide service in rural areas. If they can increase their subscriber number then it will reduce their fixed cost per customer (by achieving economies of scale) and will help them to charge low to the customers.

 °  Link activities in company GP, by combining some of the activities in their company value chain, can cut operational cost. They can cross the activities of various sub-departments, such as the R&D, Production, Marketing departments, especially in the process of coming up with new product. This will also help them to reduce their cost and will help them to charge less.

Increase accessibility from GP service to other mobile companies:

Another problem of GP is inaccessibility from GP service to other mobile companies. To solve that I am recommending the follow actions-

  • Develop network- Must pay attention to develop their network further that will ensure smoother accessibility to other company mobile.
  • Strategic collaboration with the other companies- GP should try to create a strategic collaboration and good relationship with other mobile companies so that GP can ensure smooth access of its mobile connection with other company mobiles.

 General suggestions

Suggesting the following recommendations for further development:

Reshape Business model

The company should be committed to earn revenue by providing the best quality service and spend by establishing developed technology to ensure that best quality services, and by hiring best personnel.

Best cost provider strategy In the competitive industry, it is not enough to ensure low cost only; ensuring the best quality services is a must. So we are recommending Best- cost strategy, which suggest providing best service at possible least cost. They should give best service in terms of variety of features, customer care, good network etc. On the other hand, they can achieve cost advantage by controlling cost drivers, taking advantages of their huge infrastructure, and knowledge gained from their long-term commitment. These will help them to keep their cost down in spite of retaining high quality.

Re-craft strategy with different objectives:

GP can maintain their image in near future by adopting some steps:

A. Reset Objectives

The financial objectives should be set to enhance profit margin through cost reduction, and higher volume of sales. The strategic objective should be set to satisfy the customers with best service and best price in the market. Objectives in particular are-

  Provide better options for rush hours in terms of network, cost etc

  Use alternative cellular technology to enhance efficiency for fixed phone centers

 Enhance motivation to fulfill their customer-demand timely.         

B. Applying collaborative approach

GP may adopt this approach to formulate their strategy, where managers from each level will participate. The benefits in particular are-

      Entrepreneurship will create new opportunities for the organization by pursuing a growth oriented behavior with the merit of their own employees.

      Provide better ideas regarding customers’ needs by contacting customers on a regular basis.

D. Patents, protection of intellectual property – When GP creates any new idea or innovative product, they need to protect their ideas and formulas from competitors.

E. Survey customers- GP needs to focus on marketing research through customer surveys and opinions to determine what customers want. GP by offering those can reduce the risk of threat from possible substitute products.

F. Increase switching costs- GP may design price-structure and product-offerings in such a way that switching cost to any substitute product becomes higher and buyers will stick to them.

I. Increase incentives and value added- GP could increase incentives for the buyers to motivate them to buy more of their products.

Deliberate actions:

Through holding seminars and competitions among the subscribers of GP, they can reign further by:

°  Popularizing VMS

°  Introducing MMS

°  Providing more customer management center

Tackle Rivalry:

GP can avoid the price-competition currently and in near future by adopting some strategies:

°  Differentiate a firm’s product – As a high-tech company, GP can adopt differentiation strategy to make their position more advanced in the market competition. They may invent new process through R&D for manufacturing activities to increase performance of their service, and focus buyer-benefits.

°  Maintain Brand image- What GP requires most is maintaining the already established brand image for them, so that they can get customers who will stick to their brands only. Their loyalty will work as a barrier for current and potential competitors.

°  Communicate more with competitors- GP must remain up to date with collecting information about the competitors’ strategies for product, market, promotion, distribution from various seminars, inauguration ceremonies, meetings, press conferences, and also from informal “get- to-gathers”.

Special suggestions

Careful expansion:

GP have all the potentials to grow up by utilizing their full capacity. However, if GP expand their business to such an extent that exerting control and operating with equal success become impossible, the result will be bottleneck. Therefore, GP should start thinking about expanding their business.

A Bird eye view of Strategic recommendation

In order to succeed and grow, GP must be able to adapt to the constantly changing surrounding environment. The following factors are to be taken care of greatly in this area:

Among all the given strategies, application of a combined effort will help the most I believe. As GrameenPhone concentrated a lot on their customer-base, the company should try to make its customers a vigor weapon to fight against any difficulty it faces. Along with changing the structural system, by adapting to newer and taxing revolutionize, GP can achieve success ahead of its competitors.


As the research finding show the poor service awareness status of GrameenPhone subscribers, hence obviously GP has to increase awareness of subscribers. Increased service awareness status will raise the service value of GP, increase subscribers usages rate result increase revenue for GP. If continuous development of new product and service can not simultaneously aware subscribers then it will neither worth much to subscribers nor add value to the company. Hence, it is clearly observed that there is a GAP between services provided and services awareness. Now GP has to consider this GAP minimization and maintain alignment with service offering and service awareness. Otherwise, in the long run new services innovation will not give its ultimate success.


  Annual report of GrameenPhone, 2008-2009

  Telemarketing campaign report, call center, Customer Service

  21st, 22nd, 23rd & 24th Weekly report from djuice call center

  Malhotra, K. (2004), Marketing Research an Applied Orientation, 4th edition, Pearson. Education.

Grameenphone Ltd

 Some are parts:

GrameenPhone Subscriber’s Service Awareness Status (Part 1)

GrameenPhone Subscriber’s Service Awareness Status (Part 2)