
Questioner for Sales personnel

Questioner for Sales personnel

Sales personnel should have good communication and listening skills. Sales personnel should be able to explain product or service benefits in a clear and structured way. It is important that sales personnel have the ability to build relations with customers.

Questioner for Sales personnel

  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. sex group:

4. What type of salesperson you are?

a.ordertaker   b.ordertaker and field worker expertise

5. What is the name of your organization?


6. What is your offering product?


7. What is your working territory?


8. What is your academic qualification?


9. How long you are performing in this position?


10. Are you satisfied with your job?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

11. Are you satisfied with your management?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

12. Have they provided any training program to you?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

13. Are you feeling any problem with controlling by your management?


14. Do they treat you as a …………………. people?

  • Traditional
  • Dynamic

15. Do you know about your function properly?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

16. Are you satisfied with your product or do you believe it as the best?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

17. Do you know the accurate feature of your product?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

18. If you are a field worker, how you can get the information about your Clint or customer?


19. Do you think it is easy to sell your product or difficult?


20. How many customer you have to face regular basis?


21. How was your recruiting system?


22. How was your expected salary?



23. How you can draw now?


24. Have you completed any sales related course before join this profession? In which institute?


25. Do you think your salary is actual salary?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

26. Is your company’s management careful to you?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

27. Are they concerned about your basic right?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

28. Do you think your profession is better than other profetion or why you have chosen this profession?


29. What do you think about the future of this profession in Bangladesh?


30. Did you ever compare this profetion in your country with another country?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

31. What type of benefits the salespersons obtain from their organization in abroad? Do you know?


32. Is there any alliance of ‘Sales Person’ in Bangladesh?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

33. What type of targeted customer you have to face?


34. Can you properly handle all types of customer?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

35. Have they believed with you?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

36. Do you angry with some one often, for their bad expressions? If yes why?

◦Yes                  ◦ No


37. What type of strategies you flow to handle different type of client or customer?


38. Can you get any type of help from the other sales person?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

39. Are you satisfied with your performance?

◦Yes                  ◦ No


40. Are you trying to Questioner for Sales personnelimprove your skill?

◦Yes                  ◦ No

41. What types of problem do you have in general?

