
Questionnaire Format for Marketing Implication of Popular Developers

Questionnaire Format for Marketing Implication of Popular Developers

Questionnaire for Customer:


Strongly agree (5)

Agree (4)

Uncertain (3)

Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree (1)

1.Do you think PDL provide an effective and efficient customer sevice?     
2.PDL is well known to its customer     
3.PDL has attained its customer loyalty through relationship management     
4.PDL’s promotional messages communicate its target customer very easily     
5.PDL’s promotional activites can easily understandable     
6.Do PDL’s promotional activities influence to be a buyer of it?     
7.PDL’s pricing strategy is favorable to meet its customer demand     
8.PDL’s employees are cordial and behave well with its customer     
9.PDL completes its projects at right time to meet up the customer demands     
10.PDL provides essential after sales service     
11.PDL uses highest quality raw materials to build ther apartments     
12.PDL’s architecturers can fulfil the demands of customers very well     
13.PDL’s payment procedure is favorable to its customers     
14.The security system of apartments made by PDL is good enough     
15.PDL’s management is well concerned about customers’ needs and demands     

Personal Information:

  1. What is your age?       _______
  2. What is your sex?

____    Male                _____  Female

  1. What is your marital status?

      Single              ____Married               ____Divorced          ____Widow

  1. What is your present occupation?

         Business and professional

         Salaried and semi-professional

         Skilled worker

___  others (Please specify) __________________________________________

  1. What is your yearly household income?

____Tk.150, 000 – Tk.500, 000          ____ Tk.500, 000 – Tk.1, 000,000

      _Tk.1, 000,000 – Tk.1, 500,000    ____ Tk. 1,500,000 – Tk.2, 000,000

____Above 2,000,000


Questionnaire for Employee:


Strongly agree (5)

Agree (4)

Uncertain (3)

Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree (1)

1. How to set-up your pricing strategy?     
2.How to satisfy their customer through their PDL service?


3.How to maintain their Relationship management service?


4.How to maintain their customer after selling their product?


5.How to use their promotional tool?


6. What types of service provided when customer give payment?      
7. How to meet customer’s need?


8.How to select their company the marketing environment?