
Sample Letter for Payment of University Dues

Sample Letter for Payment of University Dues

Sample Letter for Payment of university dues


The Registrar

University Name…

Subject: Payment of university dues.


I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of your university and my program is BBA, ID# (………….) of 11th semester. Few months ago, my family faced a tremendous financial mishap. Now I am unable to pay my university dues at a time. I could not able pay my dues of last semester as well as this semester tuition fees. Now I want to pay my dues as follows three steps:

1. February   24th

2. March 20th

3. April 15th –

I therefore pray hope that, you will grant my application, and allow me to pay university dues as above.

Yours Respectfully,

Student Name

ID# ………………

Program: BBA