
Letter to Airline Authority for Flight Ticket Refund

Letter to Airline Authority for Flight Ticket Refund

Letter to Airline Authority for Flight Ticket Refund

[These are sample Letter to Airline Authority for Flight Ticket Refund. If your flight is canceled, you may be entitled to compensation under Airline company policy. You can claim your canceled flight compensation against showing your cause. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]


Authority name/Job Designation…

Airline Company name…


Sub: Letter for Flight Ticket Refund

Sir, with full regret I have to inform you that the flight (Number) was delayed due to some issue that still remains a mystery for the boarded passengers. (Describe in your own words). The flight took off after a delay of 10/15 hours (more/less) which caused huge inconvenience to each passenger. I was supposed to reach (City and country name) by midnight and then board another plane to my hometown in (city and country name). (Explain the actual problem and situation). Due to the delay, I missed my flight and could not get a seat until the next morning. The consequences of which resulted in the cancellation of an important business meeting and my hotel room reservation as well. (Describe all about your situation).

Therefore, kindly accept this as a request to compensate for my loss for what seems to be your airline’s culpability. (Cordially describe your requirements). I hope you will consider this request before I am forced to take further actions. Thank you.

Your name…


Ticket number…

Contact information…


Another format,


Authority name/Job Designation…

Airline Company name…


Sub: Letter for Flight Ticket Refund

Sir, with sheer disappointment I have to state that I missed my connecting flight to (City and country name) due to delay in the flight (name and number) from (City name to City name). There was a delay of 10-15 hours (more/less) and during that time; we were kept unaware of the ongoing situation. (Describe in your own words). Leaving all that misery behind, when I reached the (Airport name), they did not provide any sort of refund and hence I had to buy a new ticket to (City and country name). (Explain the actual problem and situation).

Therefore, kindly reimburse the expense that I had to bear due to the fault that is completely your responsibility. (Cordially describe your requirements). I shall be waiting for a quick response. Thank you.

Your name…


Ticket number…

Contact information…