
Notification Letter for change Email Address

Notification Letter for change Email Address

Notification Letter for change Email Address

[Here briefly focus on sample Notification Letter for change Email Address to your contacts of the previous email. Simple copy the message read it once and send it to all of your contacts. You can set auto-reply by posting this message in your email account for email senders.]


Respected Authority…

Email no…

Sub: New Email Address Change Notification Letter

Respected Manager,

I have recently changed my email address as I could not access the previous one due to security issues. I tried to recover it but all the efforts went in vain. As I work in the Public Relations department, most of my work is on done through emails. (Write your actual cause and situation).

My new email address is [qwer123@gmail.com], and I would like you to kindly change it as soon as possible so I do not miss out on more emails. Also, as I lost my account on (date), so I request you to kindly resend me the emails sent after this time on my new email address so I can catch up with the missed work.

I would be very thankful to you.

Best Regards;

Your name…

Job Designation…


Another Format,


Respected Authority…

Email no…

Sub: Email Change Notification Letter

Dear (name),

I’ve just created a new email of Yahoo address: [email here]  for personal use and [email here] for official purposes. I request all the friends/officials to use this email for any further correspondence. Furthermore, I also changed the email settings of the old account and all the emails from now onward will be forwarded to my new email address. But you will receive a reply from my new email address.

Best Regards;

Your name…

Job Designation…