
Termination Letter Format for Poor Performance

Termination Letter Format for Poor Performance

Termination Letter Format for Poor Performance

Date: dd-mm-yy


Senior Teacher

Subject: Termination Letter for Poor Performance

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you with repentance that school/college management of (School/College Name) has decided to terminate you from your current designation of Senior Teacher. Though you had a span of four years of teaching and experience but somehow you are not fulfilling the requirements of students. As, you are well aware that we at this institution, have developed student oriented system and feedback from students is taken on priority. Since last two years, we are getting negative ranking of your evaluation.

This issue has already been discussed to you but we think that you are neither able to overcome the situation nor satisfy students’ study requirements. To fire any person isn’t simple chore, we again had comments session with students and come to know that apart from teaching your behaviour is not appropriate for class decorum.

Furthermore, it was sought that majority of students in your subject scored lower grades after assessment from external teacher.

After accomplishment of our research & owing to all these reasons, we had to take the final verdict of your termination. We hope that you will try to improve your teaching skills if you have to continue in the same profession.

We wish you best of luck for your career.




(School/College Name)