Slush Hydrogen – a mixture of Frozen and Liquefied Hydrogen

Slush Hydrogen – a mixture of Frozen and Liquefied Hydrogen

Slush hydrogen is a mixture of frozen and liquefied hydrogen, and hydrogen that has been subcooled below its boiling point to increase density and storage.…
Liquid Hydrogen

Liquid Hydrogen

The lightest gas in the Universe is hydrogen. Under normal atmospheric pressure, one liter of this gas weighs only 90 mg, making it 11 times…
Solid Oxygen

Solid Oxygen

At normal atmospheric pressure and temperatures less than 54.36 K (−218.79 °C, −361.82 °F), solid oxygen develops. Solid oxygen O2 is a clear solid with a…
Liquid Oxygen – a liquid form of molecular oxygen

Liquid Oxygen – a liquid form of molecular oxygen

In the aerospace, submarine, and gas sectors, liquid oxygen, or Lox, is the liquid version of molecular oxygen. It was employed as an oxidizer in…
Argon Hydrofluoride – an Inorganic Compound

Argon Hydrofluoride – an Inorganic Compound

Argon hydrofluoride is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula HArF. (also written ArHF). It is a chemical compound containing the element argon. Argon and…
Chromium(III) Oxide (Structure, Properties, Applications)

Chromium(III) Oxide (Structure, Properties, Applications)

Chromium(III) oxide (or chromia) is one of the Earth’s 10 most prevalent chemicals. It has the formula Cr2O3 and is an inorganic chemical. It is…
Liquid Nitrogen – a Liquid State at Low Temperature

Liquid Nitrogen – a Liquid State at Low Temperature

At low temperatures, liquid nitrogen [LN2] is nitrogen in a liquid state. It is a cryogenic liquid that is extensively utilized in research laboratories. The…
Liquid Helium – a Physical State of Helium

Liquid Helium – a Physical State of Helium

At typical atmospheric pressures and temperatures, liquid helium is a physical state of helium. It’s used to generate low temperatures. Superfluidity may be observed in…
Inert Gas – Zero Group Elements

Inert Gas – Zero Group Elements

Under a particular set of conditions, an inert gas is a gas that does not conduct chemical reactions. It is a gas that does not…
Sunlight May Have Cleared Up To 17 Percent of Oil from the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

Sunlight May Have Cleared Up To 17 Percent of Oil from the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

The Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was the world’s greatest marine oil spill. The rig has been leaking oil…
Penning Mixture

Penning Mixture

A Penning mixture is a gas combination named after Frans Michel Penning that is utilized in electric lighting or display installations. Although the most common…
Oganesson – a Synthetic Chemical Element

Oganesson – a Synthetic Chemical Element

Oganesson is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Og and the atomic number 118. It is a radioactive element that was created intentionally and…
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