
Meditation and Brain Function

Meditation and Brain Function

Meditation might help to increase the brain function and lower stress, according the first of its kind study that examined the effects of transcendental meditation (TM) on anxiety and brain functioning.

As to participants in the control group, they all had lower Brain Integration Scale scores, which indicate that the functioning of their brains was more fragmented. It means that their planning and thinking can be more scattered and disorganized, according to Travis. “The controls also showed an increase in sympathetic reactivity and sleepiness, which can correspond to greater anxiety, worry and irritability,” he said. However, meditation seemed to buffer students against the stresses of college life, the research team explained.

By comparing the effects of different meditation practices, previous studies have found that Transcendental Meditation provides deeper relaxation and is more beneficial when it comes to reducing anxiety, depression, and hypertension compared with the other forms of meditation and relaxation. Additionally, no other meditation practice shows the widespread coherence in different parts of the brain that can be seen with Transcendental Meditation.

Meditation can help you improve your ability to concentrate in two ways. First, it can make you better at focusing on something specific while ignoring distractions. Second, it can make you more capable of noticing what is happening around you, giving you a fuller perspective on the way. Meditation might help to increase the brain function and lower stress, according the first of its kind study that examined the effects of transcendental meditation (TM) on anxiety and brain functioning. The daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique creates more efficient, integrated brain functioning.

“When we are overly tired or under intense mental, emotional or physical stress, our brain tends to bypass its higher, more evolved rational executive circuits, defaulting to more primitive response pathways’ like to meditate. It makes me feel at ease and I am convinced that the sense of calm it produces helps me to handle the daily challenges of my life. There are, of course, times when I don’t keep up my daily practice of sitting quietly for 10 or 15 minutes, but these are the times in my life when I experience more stress.

By comparing the effects of different meditation practices, previous studies have found that Transcendental Meditation provides deeper relaxation and is more beneficial when it comes to reducing anxiety, depression, and hypertension compared with the other forms of meditation and relaxation. Additionally, no other meditation practice shows the widespread coherence in different parts of the brain that can be seen with Transcendental Meditation.

Meditation and Brain Function