
Assignment on PHP Garments Limited

Assignment on PHP Garments Limited


The “PHP Garments Limited” is a private limited company which holds the most shares in the garments sector. It creates an impression of forming a better name in the garments sector as well as the other business of the country. It is the most vastly organized form of business existing in the country. It has an extended form of creating goodwill across the region where it is situated in the globe stated  as the south east Asia. It creates an impression of forming a better way of doing a well guided business.

Origin of report

The report titled as, “PHP Garments Limited”, is to be submitted on 05th  August 2008 to the course instructor Mr.Arif Rana (Lecturer, School of Business) who authorized and assigned us to do this report.


The report titled as, “PHP Garment Limited”, is originated from the partial requirement of the course Management Information System. It is actually a joint student – faculty learning experience, where the students learn the impact of how the management  system works . It keeps records of different categories of works in the organization system. Basic aim of the report is to show how Management Information System works while keeping the track record of various types. 


This report seeks overall information about PHP Garments Limited’s  employees By this report we tried to represent the actual way of how PHP Garments Limited works along with its different organizing informations. Basically there are two objectives behind doing this report, and they are as follows:

  • The first and the foremost objective of the report is to fulfill the partial requirement   of the course Management Information System.
  • The second objective of the report is to understand how the practical Management Information System works in the real world.

Benefit of the report 

The best part of this report is that the students get the opportunity to practically implement the various applications of making the Management Information System work. It also helps the students to understand the concept of MIS. This will help the students to enhance their knowledge and well as know how to work well in the field of keeping tracks of Information of Management System in the real world.

How the report is made ?

The report is done on the basis of the PHP Garments Limited. It is mostly important as it impresses certain group of researchers who goes on for analyzing the garments sectors in the world The report mentions the framework of the PHP’s format of keeping information. By analyzing it is being found that how useful it is and in what format the information are shown

What is In the report

The report consist of PHP Garments Limited employee name , employee id ,joining day , joining month, joining year. The over all idea of employee profile and what are the information related with employee. It also has the other information about the basic salary , total salary, as well as employee’s other information.

It also consist of Employee payment procedure of Income Tax .The format shows how  to calculate the income tax of particular employee. If an employee id number or name is inserted inside the box it will show the full details of what amount of income tax is given by him.

Our Views

While achieving good sources of information while doing this assignment we have concluded with the fact that Management Information System in outstanding aspect for the society and one of the most intimate and adequate necessity  for all of us. It is not only helps us to understand but it creates what we call a bond in the Information Technology field. It creates an opportunity for all of us to be more precise on what we are in today’s management chain of the real world. 


So the PHP Garments Limited is a very important experience for all of us to know how to get more information of management world  and it is not with any limit. Most importantly the whole world is getting mostly dependent on the computer So in order to stay more attached to the advance world creating new diversity has become a vital issue for all of us. There for the “PHP Garment Limited” includes all simple examples which includes technology which is the systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge to practical task. It can be the most organized form of presenting information to all. It is mostly needed for our corporate world ,besides  the world is on the door way of technological advancement. It clearly states the sign of better future for the whole business world and PHP Garments Limited is a better way to explain for assigning what is today’s management information system.