Human Resource Management

The Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process is a form of business process  where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider.Recruitment is the process of hiring talented employees for certain jobs by motivating them to apply for those jobs which are available in organization.

The Recruitment Process

Job Description:

A job description includes a detailed list of job duties, the educational and professional background the employee needs to have and an outline of the compensation for the position. This outline becomes the guide that the company uses to move forward in the recruitment process.

Gathering Candidates:

A company acquires resumes and employment candidate credentials from several sources. Some of those sources include networking with candidates out of the office or at job fairs, resumes that are sent in as a result of public job postings, candidates from employment agencies and referrals from existing employees.


The initial interview is conducted by human resources professional, the employer or the supervising department head and is a screening interview. It is used to clarify any information on the resume that may have been unclear, verify the candidate’s professional and educational background and ask the candidate basic questions designed to determine if she meets the criteria necessary for moving into the final stage of recruiting.The candidate is read a brief summary of the job description and is then asked if she feels confident that she can perform the job duties.


The actual interview process varies from company to company. Some companies do two sets of interviews where the first is conducted by the departmental manager and the second is conducted by a member of the executive team. Other interview possibilities are a panel interview with members of the department, a series of interviews with various departmental managers to get their input on the candidate’s credentials and a panel interview with other candidates to see how each candidate reacts to being put in a pressure situation.

 the Recruitment Process