Human Resource Management

Training and Development Practice of AlArafah Islami Bank

Training and Development Practice of AlArafah Islami Bank

The main objective of this report is to analyze the customer relationship and competitive of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited here focus on Training and Development Practice. Report also analyze Marketing Mix of AIBL and Marketing Mix of some other banks. Competitive analysis of Bank through Marketing mix for development. By this report everyone get general idea about the organizations culture of a private commercial bank in Bangladesh on training and development.



For the economic development, a discipline, modern and dynamic Banking system is a must. With the period of time many commercial Banks have entered the financial system to perform narrow to broad-based financial activities as required by the system. Apart from the decentralization of the nationalized Banks, the pace of economic liberalization and development was accelerated by the introduction of new private commercial Banks and permitting foreign commercial Banks to operate on our country. It paved the way for fair competition. Among the intellectual arena, there is no debate on the decisive role of commercial Banks in economic development mainly through channeling inevitable surpluses into proper investment projects.

Islam is a complete code of life revealed by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’la. It has explicitly given a new sense of direction and guidance for all walks of life. Economic activity is also one of the important aspects of human endeavor. Islam has given a unique, reasonable and well-balanced economic system. Bangladesh is the third biggest Muslim Country in the world. Although once a rich and affluent country, it has turned s one of the members of least developed countries now. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   (AIBL ) has been set up with the noble objective of bringing the fruits of Islamic economic system to the masses by broadening the ways of implementing this economic system to solve the present day economic crisis of the country. The aim and objectives of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   are income generation, service to the Distress, promotion of people oriented mass education system and creation of facilities for productive self-employment through human resources development.

The body of the report contains two core parts. First part, The General Banking and Second part of the report refers to, foreign exchange and so on of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   reference with others.

There is different type of account maintained by the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited  . The deposit mobilization techniques are-Al Wadiah current account, General Mudarabah/Mudarabah saving s account, Term Mudarabah account, special Mudarabah account, Mudarabah Special Schemes (monthly profit scheme), Hajj scheme and so on.

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   is playing a vital role in financing imports and exports of the country. Without Bank’s co-operation, it is not possible   to run any business or production activity on this age. Exporters and importers need finance in various stages of their activities. Exporters need finance in two stages: Pre-shipment finance and Post shipment finance. Pre-shipment finances are Export Cash Credit, Packing Credit, Back to Back Letter of Credit etc. Post-shipment finances are negotiation of documents under L/C, loan against bill on collection (foreign bills) etc. Again import financing are payment against documents (PAD), loan against import merchandise (LIM) etc. all these facilities are provided by commercial Banks in Bangladesh. For this purpose Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   Limited consider the borrowers business standing, integrity, liability with the Bank, terms and conditions of the L/Cs, securities offered etc. So the financing Banks have to justify the customers from a neutral point and gather the current information about the market.

Thus, it is a great pleasure for me to have practical exposure in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited  , Dhaka Main Branch. In my Branch all of the department are equal busy than other Branch of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited where I had ample opportunity to learning vastly.



Broad Objective

Analyze the customer relationship and competitive scenario of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited

Specific Objectives:

  • The indispensable aim is to fulfill the partial requirements of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree.
  • To analyze Marketing Mix of AIBL
  • Marketing Mix of some other banks
  • Competitive analysis of Bank through Marketing mix
  • To provide my personal opinion regarding problems and prospects of the bank


Training & Development:


Training is the acquisition of new skills and knowledge relevant to a job. Development involves the growth of an individual\’s wider education and capabilities within a field of employment.

  • Induction training familiarizes new employees with their role and responsibilities. Colleagues are introduced, systems explained and the expectations of the job are clarified.
  • On-the-job training is arranged in the workplace through instruction and observation.
  • Off-the-job training takes employees away from the immediate workplace. It may be \’in-house\’ using the employer\’s facilities or \’out-house\’ and provided by another company or college/university.


Development has a broader focus on learning and relates to a career rather than to a job. It emphasizes the employee\’s potential to acquire more capabilities.
The government supports training and development through modern apprenticeships which give young people vocational skills through a mix of on and off-the-job training. The Investors in People award requires firms to demonstrate their commitment to training and career development for staff.


Objective of Training & Development

Needs result in training and development objective, which should state the desired behavior and the condition under which it is to occur. These stated objectives then become standards against which individual performance and the program can measured.

For example, the objective for airline reservationists might be states as follows:

  1. Provide flight information to call in customers within thirty second.
  2. Complete a one-city round-trip reservation in two minutes after all information has been obtained from the customer.

Specific, measurable, time –targeted objectives like those listed above for a preservationist give the trainer and the trainee specific goals that can be used to evaluate their success .If the objective are not met, failure gives the HR department feedback on the program and the participants.

Importance of Training & Development:

Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth.

Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of

Human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal. Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.

Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life.

Healthy work environment – Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.

Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies

Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.


The Five-Step of Training and Development:

  1. Needs analysis step, identifies the specific job performance skills needed, assesses the prospective trainees skills, and develops specific, measurable knowledge and performance objectives based on any deficiencies.
  2. Instructional design ,you decide on ,compile, and produce the training program content ,including workbooks, exercise ,and activities ,here you’ll probably use technique like those discussed in this chapter ,such as on the job training and computer assisted learning.
  3. Validation step, in which the bugs are worked out of the training program by presenting it to a small reprehensive audience.
  4. Is to the implement the program, by actually training the targeted employee Group.
  5. Is an evaluation step, in which management assesses the program’s success or failures.


Methods of Training

There are various methods of training which can be divided into cog native and behavioral methods .Trainers need to under stand the pros & cons of each method also its impact on trainees keeping their background and skill in mind before giving training.

Cognative Methods: This method is more of giving theoretical training to the trainees. The various methods under cognitive approach provide the rules for how to do some thing, or verbal information, demonstrate, relation ships among concepts, etc, these methods are associated with changes in knowledge and attitude by stimulating learning.

The various methods that come under cog native approach are,

  1. on the job training.
  2. Apprenticeship training
  3. Informal learning
  4. Job instruction training
  5. Lectures
  6. Audiovisual- based training
  7. Simulated training

Behavioral Methods: These methods are more of giving practical training to the trainees. The various methods under behavioral approach allow the trainee to behavior in a real fashion. These methods are best used for skill development.

The various methods that come under behavioral approach are,

  1. Games & simulations
  2. Behavior-modeling
  3. Business games
  4. Case studies

Managerial on-the-job training:

  1. job rotation
  2. Coaching
  3. Action learning

Off- the-job management training development:

  1. The case study method
  2. Management games
  3. Outside seminars
  4. University –related programs
  5. Role playing


History of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited  (AIBL ):

Bangladesh is one of the largest Muslim countries of the world. The population of the country is deeply committed to Islamic way of life as enshrined in the Holy Quran and Sunni. Naturally it remains a deep cry in their hearts to fashion and design their hearts to fashion and design their economic lives in accordance with the precepts of Islam. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   Limited. The prime objective of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited is to serve the people for attainment of their economic goal and success in life here and hereafter. AL-ARAFAH ISLAMI BANK LIMITED stands not only for material well being but also for ethical development of its customers. The incorporation of AIBL on May 1995 is the true reflection of this inner urge of its people, which started functioning with effect from June 18, 1995. It is committed to conduct all banking and investment activities on the basis of interest-free profit-loss sharing system. In doing so, it has unveiled a new horizon and ushered a new silver lining of hope towards materializing a long cherished dream of the people of Bangladesh for doing their banking transactions in line with what is prescribe by Islam. Alarafah Islamic Bank Limited has by now earned the unique position of a leading private commercial bank in Bangladesh.

“Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” offers the full range of banking services for personal and corporate customers, covering all segments of society within the framework of Banking Company Act and rules and regulations laid down by our central bank. Diversification of products and services include Corporate Banking, Retail Banking and Consumer Banking right from industry to agriculture, real estate to software and is backed by the latest technology.

The Bank is being managed by a group of highly experienced professionals with diversified experience in finance and banking The Bank has already achieved tremendous progress within only five years. The bank has already ranked as one of the quality service providers & is known for its reputation.

By now, the Bank established correspondent Banking relationship with 18 Banks covering their global network of 385 branches/units of International repute at different important locations. It also established accounting relationship with 10 Banks and maintaining 22 NOSTRO Accounts in 8 (eight) major Currencies at different convenient locations.

The Bank is managed by a Team of professional Executives and Officials having profound banking knowledge & expertise in different areas of management and operation of Banks. During the short span of time, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   so far introduced a good number of attractive deposit products to broaden the resource base and also Investment products to deploy the deposit resources so mobilized. Some more schemes covering the deposits, Investments & Services will be introduced gradually in near future suiting to the taste and requirement of the clients. The Bank has a strong Shariah Council consisting of prominent Ulama, Fuquah & Economists who meet periodically to confer decisions on different Shariah issues relating to Banking Operation & to address them and to give necessary guidance to the management on Shariah Principle. Since inception, Bank has been performing in all the sectors i.e. general Banking, Remittance, Import, Export & Investment. All our branches are fully computerized having on line Banking facility for the clients.


Objectives of training related to individual:

  1. Reducing inherent fear about jobs: Training is reducing inherent fear about jobs.
  2. Updating Knowledge: Technological advancement, business environmental changes and new management philosophies have now made it imperative for the organization to renew and update the knowledge and skills of the employees so that they do mil become redundant for obvious functional incompetence. The first and foremost need for manpower training therefore, is to renew and update knowledge and skills of employees to sustain their effective performance and so also to develop them for future managerial positions.
  3. Avoiding Obsolescence: Recent economic liberalization programs of Government of India is necessitating Organizational restructurings, which inter alia, calls for training the employees, irrespective of their functional level, for their redeployment in restructured jobs. Therefore, the second important need for training is to avert functional obsolescence.
  4. Improving Performance; Continuous training being required to renew and update knowledge and skills of employees, it makes them functionally effective. The- third need is therefore, to make employees effective in their performance through continuous training.
  5. Developing Human Skills: Apart from emphasizing on technical and Conceptual skills, new training programme also emphasize on developing human skills of employees. Such human skill is necessary forEffective interpersonal relations and sustaining healthy work environment. This need for training therefore also cannot be altogether ignored.
  6. Imparting Trade-specific Skills: In industrial employment, the convention is to recruit workers and employees through compulsory apprenticeship training- Such apprenticeship training enables an organization to impart industry and trade specific skills to workers. This also, therefore, is an important need for manpower training.
  7. Stabilizing the Workforce: Throughout the world the importance of training is now increasingly felt for stabilizing the workforce to withstand the technological change and for making the organization dynamic in this changed process. Management theorists now unanimously agree that it is the responsibility of the organization to train and develop their manpower as continuous process.


Methods of Training used by, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited 

Methods are the ways through which. employees are trained. JAM I1Nn Bank Limited uses several methods of training depending on the situation and training objectives. However, the methods of training can primarily classify into two types. On-the -job Training (0.1T) means having a person learn a job by actually doing it. every employee, from mailoorm clerk to company president, gets on the job training when he or she joins a firm. In many firms, OJT is the only training available.

The most familiar type of on the job training is the coaching or understudy method. Here, an experienced worker or the trainee’s supervisor trains the employee. At lower levels, trains may acquire skills by observing the supervisor. But this technique is widely used at top-management level too. A potential future CEO might spend a year as assistant to the current CEO, for instance. Job rotation, in which an employee (usually a management trainee) moves from job to job at planned intervals, is another OJT technique.There are some steps to help insured OJT Success

Step :1 Prepare the Learner:

  1. Put the learner at ease- relieve the tension.
  2. Explain why he or she is being taught,
  3. Create interest, encourage – encourage find out whit the learner already knows about this or other jobs.
  4. Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows.
  5. Plane the learner is dose is the normal working position as posAIBL e.
  6. Familiarize the worker with equipment, materials, tools, and trade

Step 2: Present the Operation:

  1. Explain quantity and quality requirement?
  2. Go through the job at the normal work pace.
  3. Again go through the job at a slow pace several times; explain the key points.
  4. Have the learner explain the steps is you go through the job at a slow pace,

Step :3 Do a Tryout:

  1. Have the learner go though the job several times explaining: slowly, explaining each step to you. Correct mistakes and mistakes and, if necessary, do some of the complicated steps the first few times.
  2. Run the job at the normal pace.
  3. Have, the learner do the job, gradually building up skill and speed.
  4. As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do the job, let the work begin, but don’t abandon him or her.

Step: 4. Follow Up:

  1. Designate to whom the learner should go for help­
  2. Gradually decrease supervision, checking work from time to time against quality and quantity standards.
  3. Correct faulty work patterns before they become a habit. Show why the learned method is superior.
  4. Compliment good work; encourage the worker until he or she is able to meet the quality and quantity standards.


Apprenticeship Training:

More employers are implementing apprenticeship programs, an-approach that began in the middle Ages. Apprenticeship training is a structured process which people become killed workers through a combination of classroom Instruction and on-the job training. It is widely to train individuals for many occupations. It traditionally involves having the learner/apprentice study under the tutelage of a master craftsperson.

Several U.S. facilities currently use this approach. For example, the siemens Stromberg-Carlson plant in Florida has apprenticeships for adults and high school students for electronics technician jobs.

Informal Learning:

Employers should not underestimate the importance or value of informal training. Surveys form the American Society for Training and Development estimate that as much as 80% of what employees learn on the job they learn not through formal training programs but through informal means, including performing their jobs on a dally basis in collaboration with their colleagues.

Although managers don’t arrange informal learning, threes still a lot they can do the ensure that it occurs. Most of the steps are simple.

Job Instruction Training;

This is training through step-by-step learning. Usually steps necessary for a job are identified in order of sequence and an employee is exposed to the different steps of a job by an experienced trainer.

Managerial On-the-Job Training:

On -the – job training is not just for non managers. Managerial on -the -job training methods include job rotation the coaching/understudy approach, and action learning.

 Job Rotation:

Job rotation means moving management trainees from department to department to broaden their understanding of all parts of all parts of the business and to test their abilities. The trainee – often a resent college graduate may spend several months in each department. The person may just be an observer in each department, but more commonly gets fully involved in its operations. The trainee thus learns the department’s business by actually doing it, while discovering what jobs he or she prefers.

Coaching/Understudy Approach:

Here the trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace, the latter is responAIBL y for the trainee’s coaching. Normally, the understudy relieves the executive of certain responsibilities, giving the trainee a chance to learn the job.

 Action Learning:

Action learning programs give managers and others released time to work full-time on projects, analyzing and solving problems in departments other than their own. The basics of a typical action learning program include. Carefully selected teams of five to 25 members; assigning the teams real world business problems that extend beyond their usual areas of expertise and structured learning through coaching and feedback. The employer’s senior managers usually choose the projects and decide whether to accept the teams’ recommendations.



Off The job Training Methods:


Lecturing has several advantages. It is a quick and simple way to provide knowledge to large groups of trainees as when the sales force needs to learn the special features of a new product. You could use written materials instead, be they may require considerable more production expense and won’t encourage the give-and-take questioning that lectures do.

Programmed Learning:

Whether the medium is a textbook, computer, or the Internet, programmed Leering (Or programmed instruction) is a step-by-step, self-leaning method that consists of there parts.

  1. Presenting questions facts or problems to the learner
  2. Allowing the person to respond
  3. Providing feedback on the accuracy of answers.

Generally, programmed learning presents facts ad follow-up questions. The learner can then respond, and subsequent frames provide feedback on the accuracy of his or hear answers. What the next question is often is often depends on the accuracy of the learner’s answer to the previous question. Programmed learning’s main advantage is that it reduces training. It also facilitates learning because. It lets trainees learn at their own pace, provides immediate feedback and (from the learner’s point of view) reduces the risk of error.

Audiovisual-Based Training:

Audiovisual-based training techniques like, PowerPoint’s, vide conferencing, audiotapes, and videotapes can be very effective and are widely used. The Ford Motor Company uses videos in its dealer training sessions to simulate problems and sample reactions to various customer complaints, for example.

Audiovisuals arc more expensive than conventional lectures hut offer some advantages. Of course, they usually tend to be more interesting. In addition, consider using them in the following situations:

  1. When there is a need to illustrate how to follow a certain sequence over time, such as when teaching fax machine repair. The stop-action, instant replay, and fast- ar slow-motion capabilities of audiovisuals can be useful here.
  2. When there is a need to expose trainees to events not easily demonstrable in live lectures, such as a visual tour of a factory or open-heart surgery.
  3. When you need organization wide training and it is too costly to move the trainers from place to place.
  4. Simulated training (occasionally called vestibule training) is a method in which trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job, but are actually trained off the job. This is a necessity when it is too costly or dangerous to train employees on the job. Putting new assembly­line workers right to work could slow production, for instance, and when safety is a concern-as with pilots-simulated training may be the only practical alternative.

Simulated training may take place in a separate room with the same equipment the trainees will use on the job. However, it often involves the use of equipment simulators. In pilot training, for instance, airlines use flight simulators for safety’, learning efficiency, and cost savings, including sayings on.

Case Study: Case study method helps students to learn on their own by independent thinking. A set of data or some descriptive materials are given to the participants asking them to analyze, identify the problems and also tc5 recommend solutions for the same.

Role Playing: This training method particularly helps in learning human relations skills through practice and imbibing an insight into one’s own behaviors. Trainees of such a programmed are informed of a situation and asked to play their roles in the imaginary situation before the rest of the class. This therefore, helps in the enriching of interact Tonal skills of the employees.

T-Group Training: T-group is sensitivity training, and takes place under laboratory conditions and is mostly instructed and informal kind of training. The trainer in such a training program is catalyst. He helps the individual participants to understand how others perceive his behavior, how here acts to the behavior of others and how and when a group acts either in a negative or in a positive way.

E-learning: Training programmers delivered via intranet are now thought of as the most cost-effective route. It is not only cost effective but also caters to the real time information need of employees. However, it involves convergence of several technologies, like, hardware, software, web designing and authoring, instructional design, multimedia design, telecommunications and finally internet-intranet network management. Organization can outsource e-learning training modules at relatively cheaper rate. Even though training through e-learning is globally increasing, we do not have adequate empirical evidence to justify this.


Methods of Development:

Some development of an individual’s abilities can take place on the job. We will review several methods, three popular on-the-job techniques

1) Job rotation

2) Assistant-to position

3) Committee assignments

And three off-the jobs methods:

1) Lecturer courses and seminars

2) Simulation exercise

3) Outdoor training.

Job rotation:

Job rotation involves moving employees to various positions in the organization in an effort to expand their skills, knowledge, and abilities. Job rotation can be either horizontal or vertical. Vertical rotation is nothing more than promoting a worker into a new position. We will emphasize the horizontal dimension of job rotation, or what may be better understood as a short-term lateral transfer.

Job rotation represents an excellent method for broadening an individual’s exposure to company operations and for turning a specialist into a generalist. In addition to increasing the individual’s experience allowing him or her to exposure new information. It can reduce boredom and stimulate the development if new ideas. It can also provide opportunities for a more comprehensive and reliable evaluation of the employee by his or her supervisors.

Assistant-To positions:

Employees with demonstrated potential are sometimes given the opportunity to work under a seasoned and successful manager often in different areas of the organization. Working as staff assistants or, in some cases, serving on “special board,” these individuals perform many duties under watchful eye of a supportive coach. In doing so, these employee get exposure to a wide variety of management activities and are groomed for assuming the duties of the next higher level.

Committee Assignment:

Committee assignments can provide an opportunity for the employee to share decision making, to learn by watching others, and to investigate specific organizational problems. When committees are of a temporary nature, they often take on task-force activities designed to develop into a particular problem, ascertain alternative solutions, and make a recommendation for implementing a solution. These temporary assignments can be both interesting and rewarding to the employee’s growth. Appointment of permanent committee increase the employee’s exposure to other members of the organization, broadens his or her understanding, and provides an opportunity to grow a make recommendation under the scrutiny of other committee members. In addition on-the-job techniques described above, we will briefly discuss three of the more popular ones: lecture courses and seminars, simulations, and outdoor training.


Benefits for employees:

  • The opportunity for promotion and self-improvement;
  • Improved job satisfaction through better job performance
  • A challenge: the chance to learn new things;
  • Adaptability: greater ability to adapt to and cope with changes
  • Increase job scope and allow for job rotation


Benefits for the organization:

  • Higher productivity through better job performance, more efficient use of human resources;
  • Goals and objectives more effectively met;
  • Reduced costs due to less labor turnover, errors, accidents etc.
  • A more capable, mobile workforce;
  • Existing staff more easily retained; An insurance policy; employees are better able to cope with organization

Training institutes of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited  training institution was established in 1996. Since then, institute has been conducting various types of training programs on different banking affairs in order to develop knowledge, skip; and attitude of the employees of bank.


Objectives of Training Institutes:

The major objectives are:­

  • To enrich both theoretical and practical knowledge in banking and also developing managerial skills of the employees of bank.
  • To impact training programs based can day-to-day banking needs.
  • To raise the standard of performance of the work force employed in the bank.


Human Resource:

Human resource is our prime asset. It is neither the machine nor the technology alone. but the invaluable mix of man machine interface that makes technology work. We strongly believe while the capacity of machine is limited, the potential of human being is unli8mited. The qualities of loyalty to the company and to the customers, tenacity to team more and the commitment to perform characterize our human resource. Our employees with outstanding quality are rewarded in the Bank. As a result, our staff morale is very high. They show good performance in the Bank. The management frequently communicates with the employees and listens to their new ideas and suggestions. A major factor behind our success in 2007 and in the preceding years is our employees. The Human Resource Division of Head Office is responAIBL e for fixing principles and policies concerning personnel and certain areas of administration. The division is responAIBL e of employee relation, staffing succession, planning training, employee benefits, compensation and their social security. The salary and compensation package for all levels of our employees was reviewed and revised last year to be competitive with all local private sector Banks and financial institutions in the country. It is targeted to attract and retain good performers in the Bank.

We recruited 282 fresh entrants and 15 experienced Bankers during the year 2009 through a transparent recruitment process to fulfill the manpower requirement in the Bank. The Bank also sent 13 employees to BIBM, 3 employees abroad, 10 employees to Bangladesh Bank for training in different fields to upgrade themselves with the latest techniques of modern banking. We have 1296 staff in the Bank of whom 61 are executives, 1103 are officers and 132 other staffs as on December 31′ 2009.

No. Designation Category    Number

1                         Executives                    61

2                         Officers                     1103

3                         Others                          132

Total                                                    1296

The Bank Plans to rationalize per-Branch employee by editable Manpower distribution of human resource amongst the existing and future branches. As a part of social commitments Bank accommodated 232 students from different renowned universities for doing internship program in our Bank during the year 2008. The Bank has recruited experienced new manpower to strengthen its large

scale operations. Total manpower employed in the Bank including Managing Director is 1296 at 31 December 2009: which was 1080 at the end of the last year.


Training & Motivation:

Training is one of the most effective and well recognized weapons in developing human resources. Training programs are being carried out for the Probationary Officers. Assistant Officers, Junior Officers, Branch Managers and Officers of different grades and Executives by Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited  Training & Research Academy from It’s very Inception. AIBIRA sets training-plans from the early hours of the year and every year a training calender is prepared and approved by the Board of Directors of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited  Ltd. Training Academy conducts training Courses / workshops simultaneously of Dhaka as well as outside Dhaka. Training Courses, workshops, in-house training etc. are tabled and conducted on current day updated banking aspects concerning new ideas, procedures and techniques of banking. In the training sessions lecture methods as well as discussions, group-discussions, case study, exercise, practical work. Simulation method etc. are follow. Training materials e.g. course folders; CD etc. comprising hand-out are delivered to the participants. For enhancing effectiveness, modern training aids e.g. multimedia projector power point presentation, flip chart etc; ate used For the purpose of assessing trainees knowledge and skill pre-course and post course evaluations are done. Evolution of the trainers is also conducted secretly by the participants for making training more effective.

In 2009 Total number of 530 trainees were trained at training Academy through 42 training courses/ workshop consisting of 141 working days. A total 200 executives/officials have trained on different subject through 6 outreach and 1001n-house training at Branches.” The numbers of officials trained in 2009 is 11 times of the total manpower of the Bank; that is, in this year each official has attended in on average of 11 (eleven) training programs. In these programs training sessions were conducted by resources persons from Bangladesh Bank. BIBM and many other government and private Band and financial institutions besides Bank’s own speakers. As a genteel member of Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) 13 officers and executives have got training form that institution on different courses in this year. At the same time, some other 10 officers and executives of the Bank have been trained in several training institutes including Bangladesh Bank Training Academy and others.

Moreover, 3 executives of the Bank participated in training courses in Iron and Malaysic in the year of 2009.


Staff Welfare Project:

The Bank always keep a careful eye on the economic security and benefit of its staffs & officers. The Bank operates a contributory provident fund a social security & benevolent fund and gratuity fund for its employees.


Manpower position as on 31 December 2006


Designation                                     Number

Managing Director                                           1

Executive Vice President                                2

Senior Vice President                                      6

Vice President                                                 15

Assistant Vice President                                  21

Senior Principal Officer                                  37

Principal Officer                                              74

Senior Officer                                                 66

Officer                                                             225

Probationary Officer                                       41

Junior Officer                                                  155

Assistant Officer                                             197

MCG                                                               72

Tea Boy                                                      __               1

Total=                                                               913


Training & Motivation:

Training and Motivation are utmost important to bring about positive change in the outlook of the manpower and to increase efficiency. Sets of trained and efficient workforce are indispensable for any commercial bank and they are the fundamental strength of the bank. Well trained and highly motivated personnel are a prerequisite for running Islami Bank in a traditional society like Bangladesh. Keeping this view in mind training program on banking and motivational programs are being implemented in 2006.

We have trained a total number of 361 trainees through 11 training courses consisting of 46 working days in 2006. In these training programs special guest from Bangladesh Bank, BIBM, and many other government and private Bank and financial institutions have directed the classes, besides Banks own speakers. As a general member of Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) 70 officers and executives have got training from that institution on different courses. At the same time, some other 20 officers and executives of the Bank have been trained in several training institutes including Bangladesh Bank Training Academy and others. Since every branch and head office have arranged regular program on Dars-e Quran and Dare Hadith. The total manpower of the Bank, clients and the wishers are being trained. This training are motivational activities are ultimately resulting an team spirit increasing efficiency sense of discipline and the revival of moral values among the employees officers and executives as well. Inshallah, in the coming years the overall programs of the training will get an increased shape.



As an organization the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   has earned the reputation of top banking operation in Bangladesh. The organization is much more structured compared to any other bank operating local or foreign in Bangladesh. It is relentless in pursuit of business innovation and improvement. It has a reputation as a partner of consumer growth.

With a bulk of qualified and experienced human resource, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   can exploit any opportunity in the banking sector. It is pioneer in introducing many new products and services in the banking sector of the country. Moreover, in the overall-banking sector, it is unmatched with any other banks because of its wide spread branch networking thought the country.

This report tries to figure out most of the indicators of problems and strengths of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   as a valid pretender in the competitive banking sector of Bangladesh. A severe cut throat competition is going on currently in this sector and that’s why Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   has to work out with different dimensions like – product diversification, market forecasting, proactive activities undertaken by Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited   and some suggestion to get rid of the predicaments that exist.



In order to get competitive advantage & to deliver quality service, top management should try to modify the services. For the improvement of the service the following measures should be taken:

  • Customer’s Convenience: For customer’s convenience, AIBL   should provide more personnel to deliver faster services to their honorable customer.
  • Human Development: Development of human resources should be ensured to increase efficiency in work.
  • Communication System: Ensure proper communication system and maintenance of files & machineries should modernize.
  • Interest: More interest should be paid on deposit account so that customers are convinced to deposit their money in bank.
  • R & D: Research & Development wing must be more extensive & rich.
  • Strategy: Effective strategies must be undertaken against defaulter.
  • Project Management: ‘Project Management’ must be practiced in case of investing in the project. Feasibility study of the project, project planning, monitoring & evaluation should be undertaken.
  • Managerial Function: AIBL   must have to follow the management functions (from planning to control) strictly in all of their business activities and also operation the bank.
  • Financial Analysis: Branch should have a separate section to analyze the financial statement for fining its liquidity, profitability & ownership ratios.
  • Strict Rules for arrival and departure for the employee: Management should strict about the arrival and departure time for the employees.
  • Job Rotation: In AIBL   job rotation is fully absent job rotation is very important to make the entire employee efficient for all departments.
  • Appreciation: No doubt that in AIBL   female employees is more efficient and hard working than male employees. It is very important to appreciate them and give them proper respect.  Because if they get the appreciation then they can increase their volume of work. It is not only for the female it is also important both for male and female employees.
  • Image: Office should be fully redecorated to attract people to conic into it.


Some other important factor that should be focused on the development


  • Time consumed at service level should be minimized at optimum level.
  • Evaluates customer’s needs from their perspective and explain logically the shortcomings.
  • Improve office atmosphere to give customers better feeling.
  • Use of effective MIS (Management Information System).
  • To deliver quality service top management should try to mitigate the gap between customer’s expectation & employee’s perception.