
A Journey by Boat

A Journey by Boat

A Journey by Boat

Any kind of journey is pleasant to all. I like journeys but I like the journey by boat most. During the last summer vacation I, with some of my friends, made a journey by boat from (Place name) to (Place name). It was on the occasion of attending the birthday ceremony of one of our friends. We hired a small boat from the river-side. The boatman was young. The weather was fine and sunny. We started at 10 a.m. the boatman rowed for a while and then set sail. The wind was favorable and the boat was moving fast. There were small waves in the river and there were murmuring sounds. Besides, the houses of the villagers surrounded by trees presented a very nice scene. Occasionally, the boat was moving in a way that got us a little bit scared. The boatmen hoisted the sail. In turn, each of them was singing folk songs throughout our whole journey. Their songs charmed us very much.

We enjoyed the scene of the river. Many boats of different sizes were playing up and down. The boats with colored sails presented a nice view. At different places, women were seen fetching water in pitchers. On both sides of the river, we saw green paddy fields, jute plants and other trees. Boys and girls were found bathing and swimming in the river. Women were going home with jars filled with water. There were green fields on both sides of the river. Cattle were grazing here and there. All these were really enjoyable. At 1 p.m. we came to a bazaar. The boatman cast anchor. We got down and bought some sweetmeats. The boatman sailed again. The evening was approaching, so the sun went down in the western sky. Then it looked like a golden disc. In the evening the birds were chirping and going to their nests. The sun was setting. The golden rays of the sun feel on the ripples of the river. The bright sun was reflected in the river water. It made the water look reddish; as if on fire. The scenery was very charming. In fact, it seemed like the beautiful river has cast a spell on our minds. We were spellbound by the beauty of nature. We reached our friend’s house in the evening. He received us cordially. A journey by boat in fair weather is the weather is very pleasant. I enjoyed the journey most. The memory of the journey will remain ever-fresh in my life.

Our life is full of drudgery and misery. A journey by boat brings about a recreation to our body and mind. We should, therefore, have such a journey for rest and recreation. A journey by boat is indeed pleasant. It allows us to enjoy nature by coming in close touch with it.