
Application for Absent from Work without Notice (Explanation Letter)

Application for Absent from Work without Notice (Explanation Letter)

Application for Absent from Work without Notice (Explanation Letter)

[These Sample explanation letter format for absent to work or being absent from your office. You can follow these sample as request letter from an employee to the general manager requesting him to accept the reason for being absent from the work or job.]


HR Manager…

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Explanation Letter Absent Without Notice

Respected General Manager,

I am (Name), (Job position, e.g., Senior Engineer) from (Division name) of this firm. There was an important conference yesterday in the firm in which all the senior engineers were required to participate and share their ideas. Business personals from foreign companies were there too (Show your reason). Unfortunately, I was not able to come to that conference due to some serious reasons. My only son fell from the stairs and broke his leg. I was in the office yesterday (Date) when I heard this tragic news and then I rushed to the home. Sir, I have got only one soon and I could do anything at that time to relieve him from pain. Sir, I am really sorry for not coming to that important event. I want to let you know that I tried my best even yesterday (Date) to come to the office again but doctors advised me to stay near my son that is why I had to make a difficult choice of leaving the meeting. You are requested to kindly accept my excuse relating to this event and forget any bad air which might have developed between us.

I hope that you will consider my request for the apology on fair terms. I shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness and I will remember it forever. Thanking you once again.

Yours obediently


Jon Position…



Another Format,


HR Manager/Authority name …

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Letter for Explaining the Reason of Absent

Dear Manager,

Sir, it is to bring into your kind notice that I, (name) have been working as a supervisor (Job position) in (department name). Today, I got up in the morning to come to office. When I saw outside, there was raining cats and dogs (Show your cause). Due to heavy rain, there was much water on the road as I was unable to come to office in heavy rain.

I tried to inform you through phone or SMS, but unfortunately, the mobile service was also out of order. There might be a problem in mobile towers. I feel ashamed as I was absent from office. Please accept my leave for today.



Jon Position…
