
Complaint Letter format for Poor Delivery Service to DHL

Complaint Letter format for Poor Delivery Service to DHL

Complaint Letter format for Poor Delivery Service to DHL

[This is a sample Complaint Letter format for Poor Delivery Service to DHL. The main purpose of writing the complaint letter is to let the owner of the company know about the poor services. You can modify these sample as your requirement.]


To DHL Global Inc.:

City/Country Office…


Sub: Complaint Letter for Poor Delivery Service

I am writing to complain about a package that I have received through DHL. I had ordered some goods from (City and Country name) for my shop which was worth an estimated (Money Amount). I had trusted DHL to handle my goods safely, securely, and in a timely manner. (Describe in your own words).

However, this was not the case. I received my package in 2 weeks (More/less) when I should have received it in 5-7 business days. Furthermore, the package was dented and damaged; it was clearly not taken care of properly during handling. A portion of the goods was damaged. (Describe actual problem and situation)

This is absolutely unacceptable. As a business, I rely on DHL on a regular basis to provide my packages. I expect them to arrive in good condition and I expect them to arrive on time. I am extremely disappointed.

I ask that I receive some sort of compensation for this, as I have lost money due to your worker’s negligence. (describe your requirement). I also hope that in the future this does not happen again; otherwise, I will change delivery services.


Your Name…

Company name…

Contact no. and signature…