
Good Habit

Good Habit

Habits are established customs which are followed regularly. It is a repetition of a similar action in different situations or circumstances. Good Habits are like the daily schedule, the longer we practice it the better we get at that in our daily life. There is nothing like a good or bad habit, but there are surely many habits which are better than the others. The age-old adage, ‘early to bed and early to rise’ is considered to be a good habit. People indulge inhabits to fulfill their needs and wants. At times, habits are developed on one’s own and at times, they are picked up from a source. There are a few habits which everyone should follow in his or her daily life, i.e.; brushing your teeth twice a day, taking a bath daily and making your bed after you wake up. Man has different kinds of habits. There are some habits which are based on instinct. Habits like eating meals three times a day, drinking water, going to sleep in the night or the afternoon are instinctual in nature. As man is a social animal, he cannot live in alienation from other human beings. Thus, to stay together in a group, man develops certain habits. The basic good habits include respecting one’s elders, greeting people when one meets them, wishing them well when departing, etc. Other than this, observing the law, serving the poor and downtrodden, helping the sick and needy, giving shelter to the homeless, assisting someone with a handicap, etc. are also considered noble or good habits.

To lead on a peaceful life, man develops other good habits like reading, writing, listening to music, dancing, singing, etc. Going to the temple and offering prayers, giving alms to the poor, supporting the old, etc. are other such habits which fulfill the needs of one’s soul. Good habits teach a man a lot of things. A person with good habits is respected by others in society. A person with bad habits is shunned by society. Good habits help man lead a disciplined and serene life. Good habits also help in developing good manners. A person having good habits is loved by everyone and he always stays happy with whatever he does. From our childhood, we are told what we could do to make our life better and the time we followed them, were surely the good old days. With the passing of time, we tend to skip many habits by our lack of interest or merely our laziness. Regular practice can make it a part of our life.