
Is it Necessary to Have Rules – an Open Speech

Is it Necessary to Have Rules – an Open Speech

As we progress and advance in an increasingly demanding world, there is a need for new laws, rules, and regulations in both small and large settings. Without these new controlling institutions, life would most likely be much more difficult, and people would do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.

To define a rule, it is a set of guidelines that have been established in all countries and communities and are universally accepted. The types of rules can vary from country to country or community to community. Factors such as beliefs, social interactions, policies, and the type of government all influence rule differences. Violators are dealt with in accordance with the penalties imposed for breaking the rules. Therefore, rules are a beneficial tool to guide and monitor the interactions between the members of society.

Everywhere you look, there are rules and regulations. The rules established in schools and educational institutions must be followed by the students. Similarly, in the workplace, both employees and employers must follow the rules of the job. There are unwritten rules of behavior to follow at social and family gatherings as well. In our homes, parents establish house rules for their children, such as the time we should be home when we should watch television, the friends we can hang out with, and how long we can talk on the phone, among other things.

To ensure the smooth operation of society, rules and regulations are required. Without them, chaos would reign as everyone followed their own set of rules. According to the code, certain expectations are placed on us in order for us to live peacefully in society. Rules ensure that workers are treated fairly and that there is fair play on the playing fields. They ensure that no individual or group takes advantage of others and that everyone respects each other’s rights and property. It promotes harmonious living and serves as a foundation for discipline, allowing children to be guided and socialized.

Social rules aid in the reduction of social crimes in society. Every member of society is expected to follow social rules. The social rules are based on long-held traditional norms. Members of social change such rules based on the needs of the time and situation.

Although some rules appear childish and ridiculous, such as the penalties imposed on those caught littering or soiling lifts, they are justified because there is evidence of thoughtless and inconsiderate people. It may appear unfair to the peaceful, peace-loving majority of the community, but without rules and laws, respect for human life may be lost. If laws are not enforced, thugs and gangsters may rule the day, and secret societies may dominate society. It may also imply that stronger countries will intimidate or exploit weaker ones.

Rules are established to protect society’s weaker classes, who are at a disadvantage if such regulations are broken. When rules are properly established and followed, they provide a stable environment and human coexistence in a community, resulting in peace and order. The rules are designed to achieve the desired results. For example, regulations are used in schools to promote discipline and trust, with the goal of providing a peaceful learning environment for students.

As a result, even if some rules are difficult to accept, we must acknowledge that they are necessary because they contribute to a better way of life. Freedom would be impossible to achieve in the absence of laws and legislation.

All rules and regulations are intended to protect the lives of all people. These guidelines show a member of the community what is appropriate to do and to what extent. As time passes, new rules emerge, or old ones are modified to reflect the current state of society. Any country or society will be unable to function in any way if there are no rules.