
Scholarships Offer Acceptance – an Open Speech

Scholarships Offer Acceptance – an Open Speech

Scholarships Offer Acceptance – an Open Speech

I have two options: to accept or to decline the offer of a scholarship.

Students stand in line to be awarded prestigious scholarships by government and other mega-corporations. Should not I just grab this scholarship? However, I would like to look into the advantages and disadvantages of the scholarship offer before I make a momentous decision.

The first favorable consideration is that my parents would have their financial undertaking replaced by the scholarship award. Furthermore, they can breathe easily because all the expenses are no longer their responsibility. In addition, they can keep their retirement savings intact. What is more satisfying to them, is to know I am a cut above the rest to be offered this scholarship.

The second favorable consideration is I am assured of employment when I complete my course. I have a bond to serve the government. The bond is tied up with government employment.

The third and last favorable consideration is the award entitles me to pursue my tertiary education abroad at a prestigious ivy league institution. What is most exciting is that not only can I come into contact with but also exchange information with the minds of other young elite. I believe such contact would come in most appropriate when I enter the governmental and business arenas.

On the other hand, the first unfavorable consideration is when I am awarded this scholarship, a more deserving and needy applicant is rejected. His dreams have gone up in smoke.

In addition, the second unfavorable consideration is. I am bonded to serve the government in a position anywhere where my training is needed. Government service is steady and safe but as with any civil service, there are procedures and regulations, seniority and promotion, General Orders, and ethics: they are good for morale and discipline. However, the situation calls for red tape, and work can be agonizingly slow. There are exceptions to the rule where the staid government machinery can be ultra-modern.

Moreover, the third and final unfavorable consideration is, at this present moment I am in two minds about the course I wish to pursue. On top of that, I may not like the scholarship coming with a certain course. Appeals are often not entertained. In fact, scholarship boards have their own setup, rules, and other factors when awarding scholarships.

In the final analysis, I think I shall accept the scholarship, enroll in the discipline that is part and parcel of the scholarship, serve y bond faithfully and efficiently (plus happily). When my “debt” to the nation is repaid, I can go in search of newer (not necessarily greener) pastures to graze and work out my passion for my chosen career. By the, I would know exactly what the “what” is. To cement it, I should be the most grateful one to say a big “thank you” for the scholarship.


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