
Termination Letter of Employment due to Poor Performance

Termination Letter of Employment due to Poor Performance

Termination Letter of Employment due to Poor Performance

[This is a sample Termination Letter of Employment due to Poor Performance. If you need to terminate an employee for poor performance, you’ll need to create a simple termination letter that protects you as an employer. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Receiver/Employee name…

Job Designation…

Department Name…

Company/Organization Name…

Sub: Termination Letter due to Poor Performance


This letter is to inform you that your employment with (Company/Organization name). will end as of (Date: DD/MM/YY). This decision is not reversible. (Describe in your words). Your employment was terminated for these performance reasons:

On (Date), you received performance coaching and were informed that your performance would be required to improve if your employment with (Company/Organization name). On (next to another Date), you received a second warning and were informed that failure to improve performance. (Describe the actual problem and cause).

You have failed to meet the performance targets agreed upon. As a result, your employment has been terminated. Once we have received a signed copy of the attached release of claims document, you will receive a (Further salary and other compensation) payment. (Describe all about company policy regarding this situation).

You are requested to return all company property, including your car, cell phone and ID badge before the end of the day. (Cordially describe your recommendation and requirements). If you have questions about compensation, benefits, company property or policies you have signed, please contact (Contact info. or email).


Your name…

Job Designation…

Department name…


Another Format, [email format]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Sub: Termination Letter due to Poor Performance


We regretfully inform you that your employment has been terminated owing to your poor performance. (Describe in your words). It is the obligation of the management/HR committee to dismiss employees who perform poorly. Your name appeared on the chart. (Describe actual problem and situation).

For the last six months (More/less), we have assessed your performance. Unfortunately, we have not identified any improvement. (Explain all about the situation). In addition, we have noted that the company has not received any orders through your team. The company is committed to optimal goal achievement. To this effect, your services to our organization are being terminated. (Describe all about company policy regarding this situation). Any dues will be cleared within a month (date).

We would like you to know that we are grateful for all the services you rendered to the company for the (2/3/4) years you have been our employee. (Cordially describe your recommendation and requirements).

Thank you


Your name…

Job Designation…

Department name…