
The Jackfruit – National Fruit of Bangladesh

The Jackfruit – National Fruit of Bangladesh

The Jackfruit – National Fruit of Bangladesh

Introduction: Bangladesh is the motherland of fruits. She has made her child rich with her various fruits. Different kinds of fruits grow in plenty in different seasons. Many kinds of fruits grow in different seasons all over the country. They are mangoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, coconuts, and jackfruits. Jackfruit is the most important fruit in our country. There is no more fruit bigger than this in size. So many people humorously call it the king of fruits. It is the national fruit of Bangladesh. It is one of the largest fruits to grow on trees in the world, and a Jackfruit Tree can live and bear fruit for approximately a hundred years if taken care of correctly.

Where grown: Jackfruit is a common fruit of Bangladesh. It grows well in all the districts of Bangladesh. But the jackfruits of all the districts are not good. Good jackfruits of all the districts are not available. The best jack-fruits grow in Dhaka. It is mainly grown in Dewangonj of Savar. Jackfruits are available in Bangladesh, mainly in the month of Jaishtha and Ashar. Hilly areas of Chittagong and Sylhet and the high land of Dhaka, Mymensingh, Comilla, and Jessore are best for cultivating jackfruit.

It grows there in plenty. But it is not sufficient for the whole country. The jack-fruit has been named as the National Fruit of Bangladesh and is a fruit that has been in existence for thousands of years.

Description: The jackfruit which called “Kathal” in Bengali is giant among fruits. A large-sized are sometimes weight on a mound. It has rough and prickly skin. Inside the skin, the fruits are found to be composed of many flakes, each of them containing a seed. The fruit is golden in color and is sweet to taste. But it has a bad reputation for upsetting the stomach.  The main reason is jackfruit is the National Fruit of Bangladesh, the climate in Bangladesh is perfect for the cultivation of jackfruit trees and in addition to its nutritional value, and the Jackfruit is an inexpensive fruit and can be bought or grown in the poorest communities.

Its place among other fruits: Though the jackfruit is our national fruit, it is not sufficient in our country like mango fruit. It is not as good as mango. It is a great source of vitamin but very difficult to digest. The jackfruit is perhaps the largest in size than all other fruits. They hang from trees like so many monkeys and a single fruit can feed a whole family.

Prospects: Prospects of the jackfruit and jackfruit industry are bright in Bangladesh. We should set up more and more jackfruit industries to meet the demand for all kinds of people in the country. Arrangements should be made to store jackfruits to consume them when they are not available. It has rough and prickly skin. Inside the skin, the fruit has many juicy flakes. We get Vitamin ‘A’ and ‘C’ from jackfruit. The jackfruit trees are very large and strong. The leaves of jackfruit trees are good food for cow and goat.

Conclusion: Most of the fruits produced in Bangladesh are health-giving. Various kinds of tonic, syrups, James, and Jellies are made of juicy jackfruits. Jack-fruit cultivation and its eating effectively lead to the promotion of our national health.