
Welcome Speech sample format to New Employees from CEO

Welcome Speech sample format to New Employees from CEO

Welcome Speech sample format to New Employees from CEO

[This is a Welcome Speech sample format to New Employees from CEO. You can follow this sample format as welcome speech to new Employees. You can follow this sample as CEO Welcome Speech to Employees or employee award ceremony. You can make changes as per your requirements.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Welcome Speech to New Employees –

Dear New Employees,

I hope you all are doing well. Today is a big day for all of you as you have become a part of the number one multinational company (Organization type). (Describe in your words). It was a very hard decision for all of us to select best out of best and you have proved that you are one of the best. You will be facing many challenges, working under pressure, but trust me you will learn a lot from this. (Describe on Program type/objective of today’s program).

These things polish mans’ qualities and abilities. I have experienced many cases where some slow people became the most demanding people in the market. (Explain your expectation regarding today’s program). Working in a normal place and working in a multinational makes a lot of difference in broadening your horizon. We work as a family and we try to satisfy our employees. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings). But we also expect the quality of work, dedication towards your work because you will be one of the reasons behind the success of our company so enjoy tonight’s dinned and brace your selves for tomorrow.

I wish you all the very best.
