Training Manager of British American Tobacco Bangladesh

Training Manager of British American Tobacco Bangladesh

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the research, “Selection Process: Theory Vs Reality” we tried to find out whether or not the real life companies follow the theoretical…
Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis describes the activities that take place in a business and relates them to an analysis of the competitive strength of the business.…
Role and Functions of Sonali Bank

Role and Functions of Sonali Bank

Introduction: Sonali Bank is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 7(seven) members headed by a Chairman, who is a renowned economist and a…
Trade Between Bangladesh and India

Trade Between Bangladesh and India

Executive Summary Trade occurs when citizens from one country can buy from another country or sell to another country what they can produce. This allows…
The Effect of Service Physical Environment in the Selection of a Company

The Effect of Service Physical Environment in the Selection of a Company

Executive Summary This term paper conduct on the basis of hospital service, other than the doctors service, location, parking, medical equipment and as well as…
Performance Evaluation of Quasem Drycells Ltd

Performance Evaluation of Quasem Drycells Ltd

 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The object of financial analysis is an evaluation of the firm’s performance. Financial analysis can be used to analyze the determinants of a…
Problem and Prospects of Sea Food Business in Dhaka City

Problem and Prospects of Sea Food Business in Dhaka City

Background of the Study: Now a day’s sea food is popular food in our country. Sea food is any sea animal or plant that is…
Problems and Prospects of FDI in Bangladesh

Problems and Prospects of FDI in Bangladesh

Executive Summary We have learnt much about the International Business. But don’t now how they are applied in the real lives. To find this out…
Marketing Strategy of a Medium Company

Marketing Strategy of a Medium Company

Objectives of the Study This report attempts to show the emergence of policies that an organization uses to marketing their products and tries to scrutiny…
NGOs in Bangladesh Economy

NGOs in Bangladesh Economy

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the recent years the role and activities of different Non-Governmental Organization i.e. NGOs are being widely discussed in Bangladesh. The people of…
Psychological Applications Applied in a Business

Psychological Applications Applied in a Business

Executive summary. Psychological applications applied in a business, benefits the customers, owners and the employees. This is a proven concept. Now how far this is…
Credit Management of Bank Asia Limited

Credit Management of Bank Asia Limited

Chapter 1: Introduction  Origin of the study: The internship report is a basic requirement of the BBA program of the School of Business, North South…
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