Abundance – in a chemical reaction

Abundance – in a chemical reaction

Abundance – in a chemical reaction In a chemical reaction, a reactant is considered to be in abundance if the quantity of that substance is…


Definition – Labradorite ((Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8), is a feldspar mineral of the plagioclase series that is most often found in mafic igneous rocks such as…
K2 Granite

K2 Granite

About K2 Granite– “K2 Granite,” also known as “K2 Jasper” and “raindrop azurite,” is the foundation of the earth, but at the same time, it…
Oxygen: Properties and Occurrences

Oxygen: Properties and Occurrences

Oxygen is the chemical element with the symbol O. It is the third-most-common element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. It is a highly reactive element and is capable…
K2 Mountain

K2 Mountain

K2, Chinese Qogir Feng, also called Mount Godwin Austen, called locally Dapsang or Chogori, at 8,611 metres (28,251 ft) above sea level, is the second…
Dream And It’s Theory

Dream And It’s Theory

What is a Dream? A Dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages…


Absorption The physical or chemical process by which a substance in one state becomes incorporated into and retained by another substance of a different state.…
About Agate

About Agate

Definition – Agate /ˈæɡət/ belongs to the quartz family, which makes it a popular crystal for healing, especially due to its composition of silicon dioxide,…
The Hakaluki Haor

The Hakaluki Haor

Hakaluki Haor: A rich hub of biodiversity and livelihood Bangladesh is blessed with huge inland open water resources. It has numerous river canals, beels, lakes,…


Definition – Cordierite (mineralogy) or iolite (gemology) is a silicate mineral that is found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. It is typically blue to violet…


Definition – Sunstone is an abundance stone which is a member of the Feldspar family. These mineral inclusions usually have a common orientation, and light…
Ultracold Atoms

Ultracold Atoms

Ultracold atoms are atoms that are maintained at temperatures close to 0 kelvin (absolute zero), typically below several tens of microkelvin (µK). At these temperatures…
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