Essay On Secularism

Essay On Secularism

Introduction: ‘Secularism’ is the concept of independence of the state and the religious groups. This is an ideology which is highly important for a democratic…
Science Workshop – Know your body

Science Workshop – Know your body

Science Workshop – Know your body Students will gain an appreciation of the complexity of the human body and life in this fun school science…
A Visit to Rumah Sayang Orphanage

A Visit to Rumah Sayang Orphanage

A Visit to Rumah Sayang Orphanage Last week (date), the school/college Club (Name) had organized a visit to the orphanage which named “Rumah Bahagia Orphanage…
Essay On Superstition

Essay On Superstition

Introduction: ‘Superstition’ is a blind belief in the supernatural which is to say, a belief in the existence of forces or entities that do not…
Short Messaging Service (SMS) Culture

Short Messaging Service (SMS) Culture

Short Messaging Service (SMS) Culture There is no doubt that the Short Messaging Service (SMS) is the most popular means of communication today. Text or…
Essay On Greenhouse Effect

Essay On Greenhouse Effect

Introduction: ‘Greenhouse Effect’, a warming of Earth’s surface and troposphere (the lowest layer of the atmosphere) caused by the presence of water vapor, carbon dioxide,…
Take up a Lucrative Hobby

Take up a Lucrative Hobby

Take up a Lucrative Hobby Hobbies are meant to be enjoyed. A hobby is a pleasant activity done to pass leisure time. It would definitely be…
Journalism as a Career
Modern Civilization

Journalism as a Career

Journalism as a Career Journalism as a profession is gaining ground these days. Too many young people, journalism is not their choice of a career.…
Essay On Beggary

Essay On Beggary

Introduction: One who begs or lives by begging is a beggar. He or she has taken up begging when he/she reaches an extreme point of…
Essay On Tolerance

Essay On Tolerance

Introduction: Tolerance can be defined as a fair and aim attitude towards those whose lifestyle differs from ours. It is a noble virtue. It is…
Essay On Journalism

Essay On Journalism

Introduction: ‘Journalism’ means the works of a journalist regarding news, views, reports, etc. It is apparent writing on any issue of an affair. The word…
Essay On Self-Help

Essay On Self-Help

Introduction: ‘Self-Help’ or ‘Self-Improvement’ suggests the supremacy of moral and spiritual strength. It generates self-confidence which leads us to the way of success. It is…
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