Television has a Significant Influence on Today’s Society – an Open Speech

Television has a Significant Influence on Today’s Society – an Open Speech

TV is extremely important in the formation of a society. We can’t deny that television has had such an impact on the world’s societies. To…
What Happens When People Drive More – an Open Speech

What Happens When People Drive More – an Open Speech

Increased use of motor vehicles indicates increased development and prosperity in the country. Because of increased incomes or profits, consumers and businesses would prefer to…
Do you Prefer to Spend Time alone or in a Group – an Open Speech

Do you Prefer to Spend Time alone or in a Group – an Open Speech

The adage “No man is an island” implies that man cannot possibly live on his own. To a large extent, this is correct. However, the…
Your thoughts about Grandparents in Society – an Open Speech

Your thoughts about Grandparents in Society – an Open Speech

My grandparents are the most wonderful people in the world because they can conjure up images of a bygone era through their fascinating recollections of…
Wasted Opportunities – an Open Speech

Wasted Opportunities – an Open Speech

How many times have we heard someone say, “I blew a chance.” There is a mix of remorse and longing. In fact, it could be…
Showing Favoritism – an Open Speech

Showing Favoritism – an Open Speech

Favoritism is the unethical practice of favoring some people over others. Favoritism is, as the name implies, the practice of showing favor to certain people.…
An Emergency Situation – an Open Speech

An Emergency Situation – an Open Speech

An emergency is defined as a circumstance that provides an urgent threat to one’s health, life, property, or the environment. Most emergencies necessitate immediate intervention…
Consider Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses – an Open Speech

Consider Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses – an Open Speech

Everyone has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. As far as I’m concerned, life is a learning experience, and recognizing and identifying our strengths…
Keeping Cool – an Open Speech

Keeping Cool – an Open Speech

In this day and age of global warming and rising temperatures, staying cool has become a top priority for many people all over the world.…
What Can People Your Age do to Make their Lives Better – an Open Speech

What Can People Your Age do to Make their Lives Better – an Open Speech

Many youngsters believe that their civic responsibilities begin only when they enter the workforce. This is because they perceive themselves as helpless to do anything…
Irresponsible Road Users – an Open Speech

Irresponsible Road Users – an Open Speech

Every year, many teenage drivers are killed in traffic accidents. We see and feel the agony and grief in the eyes of the parents, friends,…
Your Importance regarding Traditional verses Modern Dress – Open Speech

Your Importance regarding Traditional verses Modern Dress – Open Speech

Traditions provide a sense of safety. We tend to rely on certain rituals and events to bring us together and bring back memories from our…
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